Dawg, it is a very fair and sensible question. Are you sure you want a rocket? LOL not for the sensible.
The reality is, every time you ride that monster, you get a rush of adrenalin and endorphins that give you an amasing sense of delight. In such you get addicted to the rush. Adrenalin and endorphins are 2 of the most addictive chemicals known to mankind. So while there are some that I'm certain will be happy to just ride it, I align it with a carnival ride. Imagine for instance going to the superman ride...great fun, pulling great moves and feeling G's you are not accustomed to gives you a rush. Now if you went on that same ride everyday, perhaps several times a day, you get used to it and you might just start seeking more. More G's, more speed, more of all of it. What you are really chasing is more adrenalin, more endorphins.
It's why gym junkies always say, once they start going to gym they cant stop but once they break for a while getting back into the gym is hard. You are actually getting addicted to the adrenalin release.
The type of rocket owner that rides it once in a while and is happy to park it under covers the rest of the time I guess certainly exists but they are the type of rocket owner that doesn't log onto this site and write comments daily. What you read about here are the rocket fanatics. We may only represent a certain percentage but I guess we might be considered the more extreme rocket owner.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with buying a rocket and keeping it completely stock and riding it. I wish I was the type that could do that. Id probably own a few more bikes if i did.