Jacking up to lube the splines

@cusso ken
Thanks for the pix, Ken!
is there a specific reason for the offset of the pin locations relative to the center line of the two cross plates?
What/where do you place the jack arms, 380Kgs is a lot of bike to just sit there unsecured

I just slide the jack under the flat part of the engine, pull the bike up so it's level and off the stand, and then jack it up. It's not going to fall over unless it gets pushed pretty hard. I position the jack a little to the rear of the bike if I'm removing the rear tire. Same thing with the front. I have had both tires off the bike at the same time. I've got a picture of the bike safely on the jack with both tires off but I can find it right now. The ATV jack I have comes with ratchet straps to secure the bike to the jack. I've used this method a bunch of times with no problems what so ever.
@cusso ken
Thanks for the pix, Ken!
is there a specific reason for the offset of the pin locations relative to the center line of the two cross plates?

I just placed that pin RHS a slight bit further back to give a bit of clearance to the back of the engine /gearbox sump if I wanted to remove it with the bike on the stand and the engine still in the frame, I could have used more narrow cross plates but this is what was 'laying around" and it was a quick knock up a MK1 if you like but it works so I just left it as it is
@cusso ken
Thanks for the pix, Ken!
is there a specific reason for the offset of the pin locations relative to the center line of the two cross plates?
So much stuff I need to do next time I have access to a garage... so much stuff...

I looked at making a flat plate with some insertion rubber as a pad for the ATV jack but didn't like the idea of using the sump as a lifting point ,I don't think it was designed for this kind of weight ,but if it works go for it'I just like the idea of using the two lugs provided on the bike I suspect they are for a centre stand so are up to the weight , also no need for strapping down the ATV jack will not tip over sideways and the bike pivots on the pins not moving the jack
Hi, I'm a new member, and a Triumph fan since re-entering the world of riding in 2007. I was away about 17 years while my daughter was growing up.
The Rocket is a bit large for me. My T-Bird is nearly too big too, but wonderful on longer rides. The Legend TT dual sport fits great; a tad small. but lots of fun.
My reason for joining the R3 forum is to get a bit of info from the experts, and to gauge the need for a proper way to lift the R3. I developed the Jack-Be-Quick lifting system for T-Birds which has the same frame-less shortcoming as R3, and no safe & effective way to lift for maintenance. I also may have access to a 2005 R3 to develop a similar system for your bikes, but would like to find out if there have been relevant changes in frames, etc that may make the oldest model a poor choice to develop this system.
To learn more about it, you can go to Forum Posts (General-Accessories.) ans see what the T-Bird owners are saying, and visit the company website ( WWW.Jack-Be-Quick.com )
Hope you don't mind the redundancy, but I've posted this on the introduction thread as well. Thanks for allowing me to intrude, and I hope I can make R3 owners' lives easier too.
I thought I'd put some pics of the jig I knocked together as all the ideas I've read on here have helped and hopefully someone finds mine useful as well. It's good to have options.

Found a bit of box that would sit over the rear jack arm nicely once the bottom was cut out of it. Welded a couple of mounts on the top. Found some bolt that are a firmish fit through the bikes mount holes and drilled out the mounts with very little clearance. Cut any clearance notches required and welded some 45's underneath so it will self center on the jack. Works great, this is a Supercheap jack that was on special for $125 and is rock solid once it's down on the stops.
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looks nice I knocked up one sometime ago and posted some photos on this forum ,a bit heavier than yours but I used what scrap steel I had lying around the workshop
looks nice I knocked up one sometime ago and posted some photos on this forum ,a bit heavier than yours but I used what scrap steel I had lying around the workshop

Thanks, yours is the one that got me thinking to make my own. I was hoping to use one of the arms of my car hoist with a bracket but I didn't want to have to move the car to lift the bike. These atv jacks make life easy
My own little design, but I also decided to permanently install the Jack Be Quick bracket. I'm not sure if it still available as I just checked the site and nothing came up under lifting brackets.

Edit...I did find the bracket on eBay

Jack-Be-Quick; Triumph Rocket III R3 lifting system | eBay


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