rico....dont be a sook...the boys were having some fun for puck sake. You need to chill a little and roll with the punches mate. owning a rocket is unlike anything else. if you are going to get sensitive about a few comments on an internet forum so be it but I can assure you, you'll need to get thicker skinned as you won't go on a ride without getting a few comments, both negative and ultra positive.
Who said your bike was ugly ?? ..I didn't that's for f#ckin sure if you're having a chop at me?? What I said was if you think your yellow Suzuki is " beautiful maybe a Roadster not the right choice for you" blind Freddy can see the differences in the two machines. By the way I don't think Rockets are "beautiful" .. I just love riding them. Like Ponters said "harden the f#ck up" ... you may become a Triumph rider one day and then " you're supposed to be tough" quote from a 90 year old lady that runs the Triumph shop in Elizabeth St Melbourne
She's tougher than i'll ever be .. she's scary tough. When you come over i'll take you into Modak Cycles and you can meet her.. doubt she'll be dead by then . Heaven and Hell both got a 'do not allow entery' on her file..hahaha
Ricochet, this site may be physically close to you - but it has a worldwide audience. One of the problems with a small percentage of newcomers is that they don't really spend much time checking out the site; they just notice that it's popular and then throw out some unusual questions.
No one here has a problem with the unusual questions, but you need to appreciate:
Diversity - There are a lot of different cultures represented by a common interest.
Geography - Many users here run local clubs, but this is a worldwide group.
Participation - Varies greatly.
Experience - Spend some time here and you'll find impressive levels of dedication to the brand and model.
So if you come on here with a generic question and someone responds with a jab on your current bike; just respond with how many trouble-free miles it has or how many girls & free beer you get with it. In the end, they like all kinds of bikes.
If this site is still too much for you, then at least leave the girls and beer with us
She's tougher than i'll ever be .. she's scary tough. When you come over i'll take you into Modak Cycles and you can meet her.. doubt she'll be dead by then . Heaven and Hell both got a 'do not allow entery' on her file..hahaha
The problem Rico is the Aussies got to you first! Bunch of wild colonial unkempt rude abrasive mother f@krs...who would only say Suzuki's are ugly because they are not because you have one