Is the Rocket III for me? Hi from Canada!

Let me ask you something. Have you ever asked advice from someone before? No? Do you know everything? How do you know how adventurous I am?

Let me tell you something now. You know nothing about me, or how adventurous I am. I am someone who does research before spending $16,000 on a bike, and I will ask as many questions as I feel necessary before I spend the money. Does that seem unreasonable to you?

I dont know if its because your from Australia but over here we certainly help people who ask for it. I have NEVER seen anyone as rude as you to be honost :) seriously, do you have to be a special person to own a rocket? What makes you so special?

Anyway I didn't mean to offend anyone, but seriously guys when you have someone who is interested in your brand, you have to be ambassadors. Right now, you are making all triumph owners look like *******s.

I dont know anything about triumphs, I dont know anyone who has ever even owned one. So who else am I going to ask? I don't know what kind of maintenance and other things are involved with Triumphs so I am not going to buy one FIRST and then find out.
I retract my question, it appears I am unwelcome here just because I asked a few questions.

Sorry that I don't fit into your special group. Maybe when I have been touched by the hand of god I will be welcomed here and own a Rocket

Thanks for the diplomacy!

Mate you asked what we thought .. I gave the most honest answer I could. Just my thoughts as I said.
Look guys. When you have someone, who is not familiar with the brand, and doesn't know the product... and they come along to a site like this, asking legitimate questions, about YOUR bike.. You guys can't start off by saying "YOUR BIKE IS UGLY THERE IS NO WAY YOU WOULD WANT A ROCKET" Thats a ****ty way to come off as a motorcycle owner. We all ride bikes. You may have the right to call other people's bike ugly, but believe me it makes you look like a bunch of A-holes.

Have you never asked advice on something you were not familiar with? Guys, when someone is not familiar with your product, YOU have to be ambassadors for your brand. Hell, even Harley guys are more open minded then whats I've seen here so far. If I was interested in a V-Rod, I wouldn't get people going "Your bike is ugly, and your clearly not adventurous enough to own a Harley". Thats what you guys are doing.

I am truly interested in owning a rocket. I have the experience to ride one, and I can afford one, but when I have to think that I have to come HERE to ask you guys questions about this bike, it makes me feel like I shouldn't even bother. Any Suzuki forum I've been on has been accepting of other people who are interested in switching over from Harley or BMW, we don't call them ugly bikes and we certainly don't make them feel like we're "Better then you" just because of a brand.

Seriously guys, can you not even just be an ambassador and be a positive point for someone who doens't know about Triumph? I've been looking at one for a few weeks now and now I don't even think I want it because from what I' am seeing here, I don't want to be associated with a group of people who are so freaking biased they can't even look outside their own box for a moment and think "Hmm.. heres someone who has never owned or even test rode a triumph, maybe this will help them make their decision regarding maintenance and some mods they can do to help make their ride better"

Instead, I get "Your not adventurous enough, and thats that, you don't belong here"

Now with that said, Am I still wrong for asking questions? I GET that you guys are biased, we ALL our about our brands, but sometimes you HAVE to actually be nice and try help NEW COMERS!
Ricochet...I think you misunderstood the responses, but that's neither here nor there. The fact that we all own and ride Rockets should be testament enough that we think they are worthy of purchase. The aftermarket for these bikes is somewhat limited, but there is some stuff out there. You won't find nearly as much slip on bling as for a HD or some of the other brands, and you will find a lot more purely custom add ons, particularly from the people on here. As for whether or not a Rocket is for you there is only one person that can answer that.

BTW...we don't hang out on this site to be ambassadors for anybody. All newcomers are welcome but as you will see if you stick around...a thick skin is definitely a plus. Good luck with your decision
if you test drive one you need to lean forward because they try to throw you off the back. wait till you get into 2nd before cracking the throttle. if you like a machine that sets you back in the seat like a race car you will probably want one.
i am old and it has a lot of top weight and my balance is not as good as when i was a young buck. so i have let mine fall over a few times. they are hard to pick up impossible for me.
the best way like most of us has done is climb on the beast and see if you like awesome.
Not having seen your OP I cant comment on it or the responding comments, or want to for that matter.
But we as a whole WE are a friendly bunch, rather passionate about our choice of bike- most definitely, I think the best thing to do is organize a test ride, once you are on a clear straight bit of road open her up and I mean give that throttle a good hard pull but for your own sake hang the Fark on it will either frighten the Crap out of you -- and it is not the right bike for you or you will go back to the dealer and say "I got to have it" there is only really one drawback all your friends will wonder why you constantly have a silly grin and yes it is permanent.
Other than that generally speaking pretty well all the bugs have been resolved or we can give you advice to resolve them and Triumph has been good as far as Warranty is concerned
I retract my question, it appears I am unwelcome here just because I asked a few questions.

Sorry that I don't fit into your special group. Maybe when I have been touched by the hand of god I will be welcomed here and own a Rocket

Thanks for the diplomacy!


You are most welcome here.

They are like that at first, rough on the outside....................but they soften.

Think some of the Boys were just warming up so please reinstate your question?

Think of it as some weird initiation rite of passage into the weird land of R3 owners.

S :)