Is the Rocket III for me? Hi from Canada!

Boudreaux has a 2014 with the white stripes. We went in and altered his ECU with no issues.
We emailed the map to Wayne Trip, and he said it was the same map as the 2013.
Hey Guys. I am back.

I just wanted to say that I apologize for the mixup we had. First off, I probably came around in the wrong way, and I should have come across a little differently. I'll be the first to say I apologize for the rude behaviour, I was having a very bad week at work, was a little emotional, I got set off pretty easy... I do love my Suzuki, but I'm ready for something a little different, something a little higher quality.. The Rocket III looks like the only bike I can think of that is awesome enough for me to consider after enjoying my Boulevard for 5 years.

Once again, I apologize for the ruffled feathers, I hope we can be friends and share lots of information together. I did not mean to get upset with you guys, but it seems there are some good folk here for sure.

Now that thats out the way, I have my eye on a 2012 Rocket III Roadster for sale here in the GTA and I will probably be going over to the dealership on the weekend to have a look at it. They came back to me for a 3rd time with an offer for my current bike which is very fair, I would only have to pay about 5K + taxes to get onto the Rocket. We don't have many for sale here at all, I dont think I have ever in my life seen one on the road, which means its unique and thats the kind of thing Im looking for. The Rocket at the dealership I am going to see is a 2012 with only 511KM on it (They consider that used, I consider that just broken in!) They want $13K for it.

One of the things I'm most interested in right now if I consider the rocket would be a quick release back rest system... I have something like that right now but I am not sure if it will fit on the Rocket.. I'll have to do some measurements.

BTW I can't believe this post generated so many responses, i've never seen that happen before!

at this time there are no QR back rest (pillion) for the roadster but Mitzzie the ozzie on this forum is working on a deal and will have several made up so hang on and tell you want one as well when your near new roadster is in your garage .
Kudos to you. Most never have the balls to come back after a thread like this so hats off. It would be helpful if you put your location in your avatar so we can see where you are. As I said before welcome aboard (if you choose to stay) or f#ck off (If you don't)...since you came back...welcome aboard :D

the man lives in ontario probably around toronto (does that help you)
at this time there are no QR back rest (pillion) for the roadster but Mitzzie the ozzie on this forum is working on a deal and will have several made up so hang on and tell you want one as well when your near new roadster is in your garage .

Mittzy ---- Thanks Mate.
Just letr me know if ya want a QR back rest...
the man lives in ontario probably around toronto (does that help you)
Wouldn't help me much. I've been to Toronto - one single word summed it up - COLD.If one was allowed an adjective it would be F*CKING.

Canadians - bloody traitors to the empire, the lot of you - fancy allowing French as an acceptable language. Hardly a suitable recompense for Maple Syrup imo.

One wanders off, mumbling gently. "Votre mère était un hamster et votre père sentait des baies de sureau"
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It's been a while but - are you suggesting Canadians mothers' smell like hamsters and their fathers like some form of berry?
mate, don't worry bout what you're going to do to it. id suggest researching everything you think you want then sit and think about it for a while before you commit.

Rockets are that fantastic a machine to develop a relationship with you honestly don't need to do a thing let alone be in a rush to improve or personalise it. i did as i never kept a bike long enough to consider what id change but this time I've had my roadster for 3 years going into 4 and i wouldn't part with it voluntarily.

If anything id consider mapping out a plan over a few years and develop something new on it when you start getting curious about what else you’d consider.
Yeah, Ponters is a model of restraint. He has one of the few Roadsters around that's remained virtually unchanged in every way over the 4 years he's had it. Looks exactly like it did the day it rolled out of the factory and no matter how much we try, we can't get him to change a thing on it.
Good Morning everyone! Yes, today in Toronto its a nice -10c, and its still FALL! I am not sure if a test ride will be possible in this weather LOL! The wind chill would probably flash freeze my nuts...