Is the Rocket III for me? Hi from Canada!

I see that "Blasted Bones" in Brizzie (on just fitted a Motech ECU to his heavily modified bike (for OTHER reasons) - threw the OEM unit at a passing dog, I believe.

Reckons the change cost him up around 6-7 grand. Hope with possible increased demand and volume, that cost could come down, eh???? And faaarrrkk the regulators..............

And after twenty five years as a Toyota dealer, my opinion of factory "reps" is the same as my opinion of dealership staffs......
Trouble with dealerships is, half of 'em don't know, won't admit it, and will tell you anything.... to maintain their God-like image...... and a lot of the rest will tell you that it's been done to stop you being naughty with your bike......very hard to know if you're getting informed fact...

I'll try and get the "good" mechanic to one side and see if he knows or has heard anything, buit yeah even if he says it's okay I will still be reluctant

Surely someone on here has already done it though!

What I would really like to know if if any damage can be caused by trying an upload to the ECU, I mean you would think that if locked it would be read-only and tell you to bugger off with an error and that's it....

edit: might be of some interest, no rocket 3 mentioned: IMPORTANT NOTE for TuneECU User re Triumph Anti-Tamper Policy - Triumph Forum: Triumph Rat Motorcycle Forums
I wouldn't be going too much on Triumph's numbers. The claimed increase in power with the 2010 Roadster either wasn't really there at the back wheels (extra weight) or was easily gained anyway. The removal of the restriction in the first 3 gears with the 2014 is also no big deal as most owners did that simply anyway. A more important factor is that the ECU in the new model is locked, which is perhaps why Triumph decided to derestrict it to prevent problems with owners funking things up by trying to do it themselves. If you think you might want to retune or enhance the bike's performance down the track, a 2014 may not be the best option. Go for the latest earlier model you can afford or if looking pre-roadster, go for a 2009, the best of the lot.

But it doesnt matter if the ecu is locked mate as they already derestricted the first three gears and any fueling changes can be made with a piggyback ecu like power commander v . which is what alot of blokes do anyway . As long as your not plugging into the stock ecu and trying to change **** there shouldnt be an issue.
Welcome back . Shows you have a sense of humour (and that the .com site is .. hahaha .. better not) Judging by all the E-Bay Rockets that get advertised on this Forum a purchase in the US and shipping north may be a good option. Sure our Canadian owners will be able to answer all the question you have regarding new/used purchases. Good luck finding the right bike.
Yes there are several ways of detest riveting the earlier models all very easy
Either plug and play with a GIproAtr ( I think it's called)
Or the more commonly used method using TuneECU software to do it directly thru ECU
Bluudy Phone that should have been Derestrict
Glad to see ya get those paintys fixed no go fly a kit

Oh ya welcome we are all nuts here you just got to decide if your dry roasted salted or honey

roasted then youll be fine as long as you dont sell us a book:p
Welcome back Mate, Nice to see a very humble return post, takes a a bit of balls - well done, you passed the test.....
there is no real test required..... but it sounds good:whitstling: