Installation of Neville Lush Racing "street" cams in 2014 Rocket III Touring

By definition there is an oil film as one is supposed to apply oil, or what most folks do -- assembly lube -- to the parts as one is assembling them.

Short answer: yes.
Nooooo black carbon on top of pistons good. Protection and no signs of things like a steamed piston. ( head gasket leak) i did take gasket in mind either way intake side to fuzzy to do anything but guess. Not discounting your eyes just posting what I see or in this case can't see. Its like safety glasses and the importance of them. After all you can chase a woman blind but she has to smell awful bad
Difficult for me to respond well. The shims are not perfect, but will not be noisy. I'm not sure that Paul checked the shims at the start. Paul's noise is LOUD. Cam chain should be snug, not loose, but not preloaded. That would not make the noise I heard on video. If the cam was a tooth off it would run like crap, but quiet.
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Valve clearence does not depend on the engine. Or at most partially.
It is mostly about the start-up ramp of the cam profile.
In most cases 0.2 to 0.3mm will do it until it gets noisy.
Great thanks its great to hear from someone who has done a bunch . I still have a engine that has the oem buckets but its on a pallet in case I muss up.

Other then that I would point out to paul I use one finger and one thumb to adjust the tensioner. After I back the nut off far enough to move the O-ring off the threads. So you can feel what your doing. Not sure if yours has that because you do not have the ugly APE tensioner.
I am away from civilization on tiny phone. Fat fingers. If moving the crank backwards and forwards,looking at cams, there should be less than a degree of play in cam chain. Most errors are folk doing it too tight. This will put strain on the tensioners and accelerate wear. Yes there is an O ring.

Fortunate for me, Murphy was tied up messing with Paul this week.
My wiring project (Rob's work) went smooth.
Seriously, Paul, I'm so sorry you are having to endure this prolonged abuse!
I woulda blown the sucker up by now and called insurance . . .