@Rocket3Pilot Love it ! And I am NOT frustrated.
Do any of you remember as a child, playing in the dirt, building roads for Matchbox cars, or army men, or similar ?
In my case, the fun stopped when the building stopped and I had to pretend I needed to use the roads to do something.
Years later, I put money into toy trains, first with a set from Märklin, and then 'O' gauge. And similarly, laying track was the fun part - run the train around a bit, just to confirm the continuity of the layout, and soon, I would be relaying the track to fit a different imagined challenge, and then put the track away.
If I were doing this all myself, then perhaps I would be frustrated.
As it is, with all the interest and sharing here, I'm enjoying this, at least so far.
I have no deadline to meet, and it's a machine, it was working and it must work again. I have faith.
Thank you !