Installation of Neville Lush Racing "street" cams in 2014 Rocket III Touring

EU health and safety laws dictate tea breaks every 10 mins and quality control is carried out via drone from head office , lest anything dangerous is found ?
If it is, then Spain is violating pretty much all the rules.

I have my own rules. If I want to do something then I don't need tea breaks. If I don't then I need a good 59 minutes every hour.
@hoopla I wondered that myself. Most of the folks here immediately suggested the chain was too loose.

The instructions that came with the cams said "adjust the cam chain tensioner without the cam chain pad in place, observing the chain across the top between the two cam gears, adjust the tensioner with your fingers until the chain is pretty tight. Then, install the cam chain pad, and make the chain a little tighter. You don't want a loose chain.

While the emphasis is mine, that "tight" sure came across as a foot stomper to me.

When I asked about "too tight", the response there was, if it is too tight, the engine will 'whine'.
Paul, I feel for you man. This type of thing really tests ones patience. All great guesses and ideas from the group. I'm not sure I understand the noise you identified in the first place. Obviously it was out of the ordinary enough to shut it down immediately. That eliminates timing chain chatter in my mind, or even new valve lash noises.
So when you rotate the crankshaft by hand now with the plugs out, do you hear or feel anything new from when you did it just after adjusting all the shims with the feeler gauge?
Is it possible that some small bit found its way into one of the intakes since you had the throttle bodies off? EESH!

You need to stop hanging around Murphy
@Rocket3Pilot Love it ! And I am NOT frustrated.

Do any of you remember as a child, playing in the dirt, building roads for Matchbox cars, or army men, or similar ?

In my case, the fun stopped when the building stopped and I had to pretend I needed to use the roads to do something.

Years later, I put money into toy trains, first with a set from Märklin, and then 'O' gauge. And similarly, laying track was the fun part - run the train around a bit, just to confirm the continuity of the layout, and soon, I would be relaying the track to fit a different imagined challenge, and then put the track away.

If I were doing this all myself, then perhaps I would be frustrated.

As it is, with all the interest and sharing here, I'm enjoying this, at least so far.

I have no deadline to meet, and it's a machine, it was working and it must work again. I have faith.

Thank you !
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New valve clearance numbers:


0.21 - 3 IN - 0.20 || 0.18 - 2 IN - 0.17 || 0.20 - 1 IN - 0.19

0.21 - 3 EX - 0.23 || 0.24 - 2 EX - 0.23 || 0.23 - 1 EX - 0.23

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All a little out, but out in the safe direction.

Not sure if that would cause the sound, defer to the others, but at least they're all close on each cam.
Doing math they are out but not like terrible.

Below is what I'm saying using a 05 manual as my computer us not on and I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off.
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Yep, those numbers are unchanged for the manual I have (which I purchased with the bike -- bike '14 and manual is '12 ?).