I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

Usually, a second tank is much less. So, if you find something you like, and I like it too, I might be interested -- all the same reasons.
I guess you're right, IMFASTTOO... I said, I was "dreaming". Might cost me a couple thousand, just to get someone to create a custom made 8 gallon tank for my Rocket. You're also right. You said, a poor seller. Well, I'm the only customer I know of. That might be a waste of my time, and my energy. Not so sure it would be a waste of my money, though. Probably, but not sooooo sure about that. I love my Rocket 3. Keeping it for the rest of my life. Hopefully, that'll be a long while. But, to be serious about your point, IMFASTTOO... I am able to get from station to station now. That's true. Sometimes, however, it seems like, just barely. I'd really enjoy having more of a cushion. Am I being silly?

Keep in mind some folks have trouble seeing past the end of their nose...If it's worthwhile to you then it's worthwhile :thumbsup:
Man..... All you guys make so much sense. I will look around, shop around, and keep everyone informed. Thanks Joesmoe, and Mr Hunt. Hope I find something that everyone can get a little excited about, ( especially me ). Guess my 8 gallon tank dream was a little over the top, but with the oem air box gone, and the K&N's installed, there is going to be space under the stock tank. An auxiliary might work. How much capacity it could hold, weighed against the expense, and complexity, will guide my decision. Hey Joesmoe? May I ask you a question? You put a tach on your R3, right? Well, is your tach a "Koso"? Did you have any particular difficulties getting it to "read" your rpm's? Was it trial and error? Or, first time, bang on? Probably obvious to you why I'm asking. Any tips you can give me would help. Did you have to put a filter on the line, or do anything like that? My tach powers up, and lights up. Does its initial self-check, when the ignition turns on, and that's about it. That's all. Nothing more.
And, I don't like being obligated to stop at the very next gas station I see.
Absolutely. Also who wants to stop for a rest in a fuel station surrounded by trucks/cars and the smell of fuel - not to mention screaming mothers and children and stressed out drivers when you know that there are wonderful relaxing rest stops with scenic views. And why does everybody drive so **** poor in fuel stations?. Every other bike I've had has had pretty much 200miles in the tank before reserve. The R3 (mine anyway) it's closer to 200kms. INADEQUATE FOR A TOURING BIKE. So then 8 gallons and a diesel conversion. 2.3L diesels are not wimpy beasts.
Diesel conversion? Come on now. Really? "Heck No"!!! Not for me. And furthermore, among other things, it would have to be a turbo-diesel. But, not for me. For curiosity's sake, I'd be interested in seeing somebody do it, ( to "their" bike ).
Diesel conversion? Come on now. Really? "Heck No"!!! Not for me. And furthermore, among other things, it would have to be a turbo-diesel. But, not for me. For curiosity's sake, I'd be interested in seeing somebody do it, ( to "their" bike ).

The worlds first Turbo Diesel Motor Cycle is The Neander Motors 1340cc twin cylinder ,made in Kiel in Northern Germany, @214 Nm ,112 Hp ,0-100Kph 4.2 sec top speed 220 Kph 4.5Lper 100 Ks not too shabby,
touring range wait for it 600Klms,
How much, no figures available
The worlds first Turbo Diesel Motor Cycle is The Neander Motors 1340cc twin cylinder ,made in Kiel in Northern Germany, @214 Nm ,112 Hp ,0-100Kph 4.2 sec top speed 220 Kph 4.5Lper 100 Ks not too shabby,
touring range wait for it 600Klms,
How much, no figures available
Wow.... I'll have to look this machine up, and read all about it. Thanks. How did you find out about it?
Wow.... I'll have to look this machine up, and read all about it. Thanks. How did you find out about it?
Absolutely. Also who wants to stop for a rest in a fuel station surrounded by trucks/cars and the smell of fuel - not to mention screaming mothers and children and stressed out drivers when you know that there are wonderful relaxing rest stops with scenic views. And why does everybody drive so **** poor in fuel stations?. Every other bike I've had has had pretty much 200miles in the tank before reserve. The R3 (mine anyway) it's closer to 200kms. INADEQUATE FOR A TOURING BIKE. So then 8 gallons and a diesel conversion. 2.3L diesels are not wimpy beasts.
HA Hilarious I love this stuff keep it coming why cant your Rocket go 200 miles why the poor mileage ?
HA Hilarious I love this stuff keep it coming why cant your Rocket go 200 miles why the poor mileage ?

But - see that thing on the right side of the handlebars - Here we call it a throttle - I use it. My R3 is configured as a big distance tourer (large screen, big cases) - As aerodynamic as a house. But I ride it as I ride all my bikes - like a sports tourer. I could not give a rats arse about 0-60 times - The bugger has to do long distance fast without effort (from me).

At a constant (and I mean for HOURS on end constant) 130-140kmh (ok with some blips up to 150) (GPS) I can just achieve 7.5l/100kms ( 31.36mpg US ). From a 23,5L tank this is just over 200 miles (322kms) but with little or no reserve. And like the Texans we don't have 24*7 fuel stops every 10miles.

OK a carpenter engine may do better (I don´t know)- but can Bob give me a guaranty it will pass homologation and emissions in the EU? - Well no! - so it´s bugger all use here.

Ref : Neander - it´s a huge white elephant. There have been other diesel bikes but like the Neander have missed the point. Distance riders will not be riding "custom" style bikes. They´l want luggage for 2 and lots of it. The Dutch Track800 was a good attempt but was again a bit misguided. Offer something like a Diesel Wing and I´m sure it do better. The Neander is really just a showpiece bike for a group of otherwise bored engineers. Price? - Think Bentley.
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I guess am a odd ball. When out on the road I do not mind at all stopping for gas. Nine times out of ten end up talking to other customers and such. Sometimes fellow motorcycles, sometimes the guy in the van with a fat wife and four screaming rug rats. Had a guy look at me one time in that situation and asked if i would like to trade positions. Got a good laugh out of it. I never get in such a hurry that I can not enjoy life and for me stopping for gas is not that big of a deal sometimes it can turn into a good experience by meeting and talking to people. After about 150 miles am more than ready to stretch my legs a bit any how. ;););););)