I wonder if it makes a difference if I ----------------------------------?

@TriumPhilThe big whoopdedoo is that Chris @barbagris derrives pleasure in picking fly $hit out of pepper!
If it was the only pepper I had - yup.

I think we have several reasons
  1. I am Colonial British - I was raised to believe "enjoyment" is over rated - I rebelled (to my fathers chagrin) but only a little. So just enjoying a ride is, well, wrong. Dammit sir!.
  2. I have monstrous "head-aching" desire to learn and discover. I always have. Observe, inquire, understand could be my mantra.
  3. I am almost certainly ADD to a certain degree. I drift a lot, so cannot concentrate on one thing for long.
  4. I am unencumbered by "affect" - so less driven by emotions than most. I means I have more time to use my brain.
  5. I believe in the perfect - though understand it to be unobtainable. Probably because my perfection is a long way from the rest.
I have arrived at many truths for irrational reasons. It's called philosophical thinking. I believe in little - know many things to be "just so".

One of these thoughts drifted into my subconsciousness last night. Actually many did - but only one regarding ear-plugs.

It has to do with ear canal volume and body heat. ;). I need to think more on this.

Peter Higgs is a hero. He was skilled at defending a belief arrived at by just thinking. And was proved right. Smart barely covers it.

No Steve, I'm not miffed.
Peter Higgs - what a bloody nitpicker - not bloody happy with just atoms and the normal bits people thought they had, he had to go and think up the invisible bits that do not obey 'normal' rules of physics. So off we go inventing quantum computers and true AI will follow to the detriment of us all with Arnie and his mates to turn us all into compost. ;):D
Peter Higgs - what a bloody nitpicker - not bloody happy with just atoms and the normal bits people thought they had, he had to go and think up the invisible bits that do not obey 'normal' rules of physics. So off we go inventing quantum computers and true AI will follow to the detriment of us all with Arnie and his mates to turn us all into compost. ;):D
The wonderful thing about actually discovering the Boson is it really didn't solve the big question it created. How AI will ever develop beats me. If it can't get drunk, how will it get to philosophy? - "I DRINK THEREFORE I AM".
I use the Isolate plugs. These can be seated lightly and still get a perfect seal. Only bone conduction sound comes through. Road noise is mainly car tires. Some wind stream. Running Bell 500, Windvest short well bellow eye level and FLH Harley lowers turned upside down and fixed to the upper fork tubes. Looks kool.

Schuberth C3, SRS collar and sounds cranked up works for me. Although tried a new Skully at CES and loved it - only question is whether to hold out until 2919 for the carbon version.
Then let us SHOUT IT to the world.

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I am smart. So there! - Ya boo sucks to the lot of you :p
Too bloody smart for ya own good you are . Youse need to purge your head of some of that smartness. Dorset could never have contained you ! :rolleyes: ;)
Youse need to purge your head of some of that smartness. Dorset could never have contained you ! :rolleyes: ;)
Argh Nat-lad!

Like all fine Dorset-shire men - we are only purged of smartness though Rum and Cider.

But that sets us off following the great Dorset-shire alcoholics path. To roam the high seas a-pillaging on the Spanish main.


In my case being born in "The Main" does not harm none.