I wonder if it makes a difference if I ----------------------------------?

I don’t like complete isolation, more like musician plugs because they let you hear detail still, just quieter.
I hear you.

Oddly Flare are a high end acoustics mfr. Their earphones are 350 quid. Their speakers are in the 1000's

I had NoNoise plugs before the Flares and they were getting to their "limit" after a tankful at 80-90mph nonstop. Same trip with the Flares usually is fine.
It may be the "new position". Was quieter but maybe put some pressure on the ear canal. Or maybe just a chill.
It's a bad idea to de-attenuate those sounds or noises that might keep we motorcyclists alive or physically intact whilst we are out and about, doing our thing, 'hooning' on our motorbikes.

After trying a multitude of earplugs, I found that these (see below) work best - they are comfortable and they defeat or attenuate what needs to be managed sound-wise - and they also happen to be the least expensive, pragmatic solution to the detrimental effects of wind noise for me...

For about 16 US pennies per pair or less (if purchased in bulk) you really can't go wrong! Each pair, if you keep your ears clean and properly store/stow them when not in use, will last me at least a week or two.

What's the big whoopdedoo?

Honeywell Howard Leight MAX® Pre-Shaped Uncorded NRR 33 Disposable Ear Plugs, 200 Pair - 1454 - Northern Safety Co., Inc.
As I have said before I passed my mc test in March 1976 by way of the Royal Corps of Transport and since day one i have always worn ear protection, have never had a radio on a bike really do not see the point the engine is music enough for me, I have expensive plugs and the wally world specials both do a good job, I have no ringing in my lugs but have to admit when the wife starts up some ringing might be a good thing.
Having been born with 40% of normal hearing I have the opposite "problem".
First time I had my hearing aids on and starting her up (about two weeks after I got her) I heard some weird stuff when I turned the key.
Had me worried till someone on here explained that it was probably the fuel pump priming up.

I don't like to wear them riding, or most anytime for that matter. But they are blue tooth enabled so I can carry my songs on my phone and port the music direct. :)
Having been born with 40% of normal hearing I have the opposite "problem".
First time I had my hearing aids on and starting her up (about two weeks after I got her) I heard some weird stuff when I turned the key.
Had me worried till someone on here explained that it was probably the fuel pump priming up.

I don't like to wear them riding, or most anytime for that matter. But they are blue tooth enabled so I can carry my songs on my phone and port the music direct. :)

I tried that with my aids for cell and GPS usage.
When set for blue tooth, the aids went silent providing noise reduction similar to plugs.
It worked OK; however, twas a PITA to put on my helmet and every time I removed it my aids fell to the ground.
My Sena 20s does the trick and works well for me.
The big whoopdedoo is that Chris @barbagris derrives pleasure in picking fly $hit out of pepper!
