I can’t believe we made it

My parents and aunts and uncles all smoked Pall Mall, my mom would send me down to the corner store for a pack of Pall Mall, a loaf of bread and a quart of milk with a dollar, I got to spend the change on penny candy.
My Dad & Uncle took my cousin and I out to my uncles farm on a New Years weekend. They brought a big box of fire crackers and of course ordered us not to light one single fire cracker until they were thru watching football and it gets dark outside.......
Well give my cousin ten minutes and he sets the box of fire crackers out in the field and the first thing he does is takes a Roman candle & sets it straight up in the corner of the box to hold it upright. Well it was too upright, shot straight up & straight back down into the box!
My Uncle & Dad come running out looking like Vietnam II had started.
As my Dad was running around trying to beat out the random grass fires with his coat my Uncle was running around the farm house chasing my cousin and he would catch up just snuff on about every 5th step to swing his right foot up into my cousins a$$!!!! It was epic
We were 10 & 11