Oz, do those girls do a good job? I'm always afraid to let teeny boppers get near mine with a hose. Did anyone have to push their bikes away from the wash?

And riding with T? .... Probably not a good idea. My wife made a point of telling me she saw two guys riding identical bikes. Her comments weren't flattering to the two "gentlemen" in question. LOL :p
Thankfully, yours was simply a case of temporary insanity, Ozzman. Like a bad case of gastric distress, it has passed.

BTW, if you have to have a Victory, and I've ridden them all, the XCountry (with a cam kit) is the Belle of the Ball , IMO.
This evening I rode out to the local interstate, hit the long sweeping on ramp and rolled out at around 75-80mph then throttled up until my eyeballs were shaking and the cage drivers were freakin as the Hag blew past them.

I did not say that I would ride to Sturgis without the appropriately built lass seated behind me, let there be no mistake about that.
ozz your bike is always in good company :D
glad your r getting your sanity back
This evening I rode out to the local interstate, hit the long sweeping on ramp and rolled out at around 75-80mph then throttled up until my eyeballs were shaking and the cage drivers were freakin as the Hag blew past them.

I did not say that I would ride to Sturgis without the appropriately built lass seated behind me, let there be no mistake about that.
I think that would solve the "identity" question she proposed. LOL

They were on identical ****** rockets, obviously after that matching look since they were wearing the same leathers as well. Even I had to admit that the matching leathers were incriminating.
Risers on, fairing still off. Hope to finish by Friday. I am not that slow, just working too much. :mad:
:eek: I fell somewhere between a cheap bastard and a dumbass until today. Too cheap and stupid to not put the Rivco Risers on three years ago and riding as long as I did with my neck,shoulder and back stressed out on long rides.

Screw a Victory Vision. I set the grips at a slight downward angle and I am danged happy with the set up. Thanks to my friends for staying on my ass and a special thanks to Red Vapor for selling me the risers.

I didn't want to come in tonight but the full moon and deer traffic changed my mind.

Friends would be in Tennessee, Pennsylvania and New Mexico and y'all know who you are, THANKS for the advice. Utopia back rest from Santa should about do it.:D

Yeehaw, let's ride.
stb said be it far from her to say she told u so :eek::D
glad u like them so far
Thats why I like STB, she gets right to the point and she is right.........she told me so. Duh huh. Rear Metz is wearing down;);)