Sick to consider buying the Victory, certifiable if you do!!! IMO

One's a motorcycle, the other is glorified scooter!

One's a classy piece of engineering, the other is novelty gag!!

One is a Triumph Rocket III, the other is a Victory!

The best part of owing a Triumph is that they are nothing like a Harley. Not in design, ride, sound, or style. The Victory (being air cooled and gawdy) is just another bike striving to be something it will never be. IMO
If you're going to go the Victory route, get the Cross Country.. The bags on the Vision are TINY. They look huge on the outside, but I don't think I could fit my boot in one. The Cross Country has caught my attention.. and it has bags that you can actually use, as well as all the other amenities of the Vision without looking like.. uhh.. something Darth Vader would ride.. It really looks to be a quality built machine..
It really does look like a giant scooter. :eek:

All it's missing is a foot well.

Hahahahahaha, but it's danged expensive to "upfit" a Rocket III to be comfortable. I prefer the wide rear tire to the 180, liked the position of the handlebars on the R3T and the Eight Ball. Tough to get everything in a bike. I did have one heck of a fun time riding the Thruxton 900. Like being strapped to a bumblebee's back. I could not believe how good the bar end mirriors were. Underpowered but cool.
ozzman take a couple shots and call later :eek:
got a freind that has 2 victorys and likes them alot u meet him when u was here last
the cross country looks like a good bike but u still need to keep the rocket :)
Have you installed Rivco risers for the bars? They made a world of difference for me in seating position, and the Corbin seat dropped my ass an inch or two as well. I don't have any trouble with touching the ground, but it's a more comfortable position being closer to it and having the bars up and back more.
The Progressive 418's helped keep my butt in the seat over rough spots and the front fork springs reduced the dive and smoothed the ride. You are right about spending money to get her right, but it's right now.
I have sat on the vision with my wife on the back, I like the setup and feel. The dealer I bought my Rocket from is a victory dealer. If I could have both.. would have considered it. It is a Darth Vaderish answer to a gold-wing for half the price, and less bells and whistles. But I always pick the uglist pup in the litter, they just make the best dogs. It ain't a Harley clone it's a step beyond, maybe outta the park and in left field but somebody had the balls to put it out there.
Have you installed Rivco risers for the bars? They made a world of difference for me in seating position, and the Corbin seat dropped my ass an inch or two as well. I don't have any trouble with touching the ground, but it's a more comfortable position being closer to it and having the bars up and back more.
The Progressive 418's helped keep my butt in the seat over rough spots and the front fork springs reduced the dive and smoothed the ride. You are right about spending money to get her right, but it's right now.

Thats what I am talking about. $2000 to get the bike to feel good to an old geezer like me. I do have the mental integrity left to realize that when I rode Bonnies in the early 70's that taking stuff off the bike was the norm and I was to numb:) to notice discomfort. Now that I am AARP qualified:mad: I just need the right feel. Risers going on this week I hope. Then a Utopia backrest cause my buddy NM Rocket said it works for him. More $, more $, more $...................................................:rolleyes: You young punks can stop laughing now, your day is a comin' and by the way, I think the Vision was a 72 hour bug. Better now but still have a slight fever;).
Oz....I think you will find a huge difference with the risers.I know I did.........also the backrest makes a world of difference in the comfort.
We rode some yesterday and I was telling the guys how much the back rest helped and how even on my yamaha I missed the hell out of my back rest since I got mine on my r3t....
Now victories are good we know......but the vision?????? I just cant go that one.
Ime glad you have come to your senses tho and came back to just tweeking the r3.......:D