I am sick, I think


Living Legend
Mar 3, 2007
2014 Victory Vision Tour
Somewhere I heard in a movie, " Somebody Stop Me". I went to lunch at a local eatery that is connected to a motorcycle dealer and I had been there before. After eating, I just walked through the door and as soon as I did it hit me like a runaway truck. 2010 Black Victory Vision Eight Ball for $15,999. Walked out with a brochure and a phone number.

I just suffered through another birthday last week, and this is not the "mid life crisis" as that has already happened and the result was the 2006 R3 Classic that I ride.

Air cooled vs liquid, shaft drive vs belt, 140ci vs 106ci, butt ugly vs butt ugly. There are some that I am sure will say go for it Ozzman and get the heck off the R3 forums. Others that I consider to be dear friends are probably calling 911 right now.

Do not call, all phones are shut off and I am barricaded in the house.
You are so right.... The vision is seriously butt ugly. Arlen and Cory Ness are going to be in my area end of this month. There is a Victory dealer here that is hosting them and the Victory truck. The Dealer is having an open house, demo rides, burgers and you can talk to Arlen and/or Cory.

Some of the custom Victory's are pretty good looking bikes. I was looking at them yesterday while at this paarticulr dealer. There were a couple I would have considered as stable mates to my R3T. I noticed his prices were way down as well. I guess it is the end of the season and he needs to get rid of his (large) inventory of bikes.

He had several Visions there just like the one in your pic. I did not get the pricing. You are in OZ any way so it doesn't really matter. I am in the US. Good luck with whatever you do.
Is this an "instead of" or more of an "in addition to" purchase?
I rode the victory vision before I bought the second rocket.
Figured the wife "might" ride with me if I had something with all the bells and whistles,
something more comfortable for a passenger.
Already had a custom seat for her, but that didn't cut it either.
Turns out she wanted to ride, not be a passenger.
I could understand that, so the vision didn't happen.
Sure glad it didn't now.
Don't do it.
Just get another rocket off ebay and customize it for a second bike..
more satisfying when you ride that way.
of course, this is just my opinion...
Not in Oz. Ozzman as in "The Ozzman Cometh" in reference to my very, very distant cousin Ozzy Osbourne,I am actually located in the Occupied South, US of A. Yes, the prices are down and a good time to buy/trade.

I really love my Rocket but with all of the horsepower and torque that I really don't use to it's full potential, I ride long rides, not rippin' it up blasts in metro conditions. I have tried and continue to try to make it more comfortable with add ons. I really hate to start all over with another bike but I am a one bike person, not a stable kind of guy and using the term stable as in a group of steeds.

I really don't like the new Tourer and I did test ride one. I would tell others that the Tourer R3 is quite smooth and actually feels better under me than does my 06 Classic it just ain't my cup of tea and I can not explain why, it just does not trip my trigger.

Should I just go to my doctor ?

Thanks Dr. Skip.
It looks like the car that Johnny Cash sings about that he built smuggling one part at a time over the course of many years.
I was **** close to buying a VISION before getting the R3.

Sorry but the Vision scared me stupid - terrible in corners. Found it understeered far too much.
You are right...there is butt ugly...and then there is the Victory Vision....REALLY BUTT UGLY.

Obviously it's your move, your money...air cooled...left those days behind long ago.

Good luck with what ever you decide.


57 dtg Dubai
58 dtg London

159 dtg Dubai
160 dtg Home (Triumph buying time)
Well...... Sounds like we made your decision for you.. DON"T DO IT!

We all agree going back to an air cooled bad handling and.... worse then butt ugly bike, is not a good plan. If long distance comfort is your only criteria and, a R3T is not your cup of tea. do anythinhg but a Vision (BMW Light Truck, Honda Chicken Wing, etc.)

Good luck!
It really does look like a giant scooter.

All it's missing is a foot well.