Hydraulic clutch release went pop

Totally not trying to be a smartass.

As mentioned why stick with brake fluid anyway? It eats paint (bad if you spring a leak), and is highly hydroscopic? Other fluids can do the same job with lesser risk to rubber or paint since it's not a high heat subject location.
the prob with the seals swelling up is not on the applying it is on the releasing
and if it don't release then u will not have free play:(
and if u don't have free play its just a matter of time before u have trouble:(
Oberon came back to say the slave o-rings are Viton75.

So that explains why they failed :D
Very surprised they still use Viton, I can't be the first dude what used their slave in the DOT4 system they were designed for.

I've EPDM ones on the way so that end is sorted, am trying to establish the rubber type in the master now.

Many people think viton is the cure for any elastomer incompatibility problems, and except for a few cases, they are correct. Exceptions- Its what bites people in the ass.

Dot5 fluid is silicone-based and is much friendlier to correctly selected elastomer, paint, etc. It is not hydrophilic like Dot3,4. It is more compressible than 3 or 4. That being said, my 05 vrod uses 5 and my 08 Vrod uses 4. I cannot discern a noticeable difference in brake feel. I do not know if the m/c or caliper pistons have the same areas between the 05 and 08
If one wanted to remove the dot fluid from the clutch and replace it with hydraulic fluid what would the procedure be to remove the dot from the system and would the hydraulic fluid damage the seals in the master and slave if the seals where intended for dot fluid.
The hydraulic oil would offer a lighter clutch I would hope for .
Ok so the Oberon CLU 1125 slave cylinder problem is sorted.

Now for the master cylinder inc. reservoir lid diaphragm....
TTS haven't divulged who the manufacturer is, hey, can't blame them.


But anyway in the interests of freedom of information, I think I've found them;

Chromed aftermarket Suzuki Intruder / Honda VTX 1800 / Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 "el-cheapo" replacements off eBay or Amazon etc.


Replacement Brake Master Cylinder Clutch Lever For Suzuki Intruder 800 1400 1500 | eBay

Fairly cost effective... so cost effective, I would wager the materials gone into the master cylinder and the reservoir diaphragm are of a low grade and prone to shedding like I found in mine.

So I've concluded that the wear evident in my reservoir diaphragm (and quite possibly the master) might not be due to wrong material (like with the slave), but just cheap cheap cheap grade materials.

Haven't decided whether I'll just replace the rubbers using genuine Suzuki/Honda/Kawasaki yet (they mightn't fit the aftermarket el-cheapo) or replace the whole clutch & brake controls for a matching pair off some bike with 1" bars yet.
Not sure if dot 5 is more inert, I know it's not hydroscopic
It's entirely different - Silicone based. Pretty much every bike I have built up/restored or overhauled gets DOT5 fluid (and all new seals) - Never had a problem in the best part of 40 years - so I got something right. Mind you - they were all BREMBO systems. Never had a Hydraulic Clutch though.
Are you dot 5ers using dot 5 in an abs bike designed for dot4. Just curious as to abs system response in abs assisted heavy braking

Curious minds want to know!!!!!
Actually, my only bike with abs is my BMW, and also the only one I have the brake flush dealer serviced, so that one is not DOT 5, it's whatever they put in it.