Hydraulic clutch release went pop

I asked TTS this question and they did not respond to the question .The dot makes for a heavy clutch which.made me question the type of fluid .I also could only find that Buell use Dot4.
trans sealer or brake fluid will do the same to automatic transmissions front and rear and internal seals
so if u use then be prepared to rebuild in about 3 weeks.:(
i would also question what the other component looks like on the inside?:(
AFT if what I was going to suggest, or DOT 4 and Viton Orings for prevention. Sorry to hear of your master failure, at least it made it home on its' own power without incident!

Start at page 2-3
https://www.parker.com/Literature/O-Ring Division Literature/ORD 5700.pdf

EPDM I did the oring search after I got a tractor that used mineral oil for brake fluid. The brakes weren't working and I was sweating bullets the previous owner used dot3/4 and I would have to split the axle trumpets (130hp cab tractor) - got lucky since only the the M/C needed rebuilding.
If it were me - other than being seriously annoyed.

Move to Dot5.1 fluid and maybe Viton. I would also take a good hard look at the inner surfaces where those pistons move - just in case there's a slight imperfection. CROCUS PAPER!.
Stay away from brake fluid entirely. Hydraulic oil is what is needed. This can be bought from almost any auto store or OEM car dealer as it is used in most clutch systems now. Even cheap non-detergent 5w engine oil is better than brake fluid. No heat to speak of, low pressure, and low turbulence (not being continuously pumped and run around a by-pass circuit) thus all you need is lubricity and low viscosity. Power steering fluid is a good alternative as is ATF.

As others have said, the brake oil is incompatible with the buna-n rubber parts.
Thanks guys. i always seem to get the tricky problems nobody else has had!

News just in, TTS have indicated DOT fluid and they are sending new EPDM o-rings for free. Sounds like they have seen it before.

Have requested the slave o-ring material name from Oberon, for comparison/get to the bottom of this.

Done some research, apparently Viton and Nitrile are not compatible with DOT3/4 brake fluid, but EPDM is fine;


Finding O-rings is the easy bit, the master cylinder rubbers and the reservoir lid gasket not so much
Oberon came back to say the slave o-rings are Viton75.

So that explains why they failed :D
Very surprised they still use Viton, I can't be the first dude what used their slave in the DOT4 system they were designed for.

I've EPDM ones on the way so that end is sorted, am trying to establish the rubber type in the master now.