Hurt Bad - Lost a Good Friend Today

Recently had a similar experience, attended the "celebration of life" which was truly a joy. In my case "Gary" who traveled the world, will continue his journeys with me everywhere I go. Steve, the loss will always be there, wishes for you, family, and friends to find peace and comfort over time.
Wow! Sorry to hear of the loss of your best friend. Enjoy the ride and think of him and all the good times you 2 had together.
Sorry to hear of your loss Steve. 50 years of friendship is a longtime. Must’ve been a good friend. No wonder you miss him.
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My words fail me trying to express what this thread means to me! Twas very late, I was down & hurting, sitting catatonic in my easy chair with nowhere to go when I posted here of my sudden loss. Somehow I must have known the depth of true understanding & caring I would receive from my Motor Brothers on this here forum.
Tis wet-eyed I sit here astounded at the five pages of your thoughts & condolences! I now truly understand what a unique, eclectic & heartfelt group of brother motor rider you all are to me!

Right to left - Mike, his brother, Chris & I.
Mike & I rode to Prince George, Canada to meet Chris, who fley in with his plane. My old KAW 1000 LTD in foreground.
Late Condolences mate. Yet another Beer (or spirit of your choice) awaits you in OZ.
An old drunk said to me once (or maybe I was drunk when I heard it) "If you believe in eternity, then until you meet again, life will be but a twinkling of the eye".
Its been a phrase that has brought me comfort on more occasions than I care to remember and I guess the extrapolation from the message goes something like ..... keep living life the best you can because its not for a long time until you are united with those lost.
Travel well ...... hopefully in a Land Down under (although we really know that its a Land Up-Top).