Hurt Bad - Lost a Good Friend Today

I've lost many friends over the years, but Mike was special. He was my close buddy for over 50 years.
Together we worked, rode motors, drank, smoked & cared for each other.
So sudden and so unexpected!
I am devastated.
Sorry for puking my guts & gratitude for listening.
Thoughts and prayers brother.
My condolences on your loss.

Thank you very much!
My buddy's death has caused me to question my own time left and my bucket list is looooong, so I'm planning a trip to OZ and the excitement generated is really helping.
My words fail me trying to express what this thread means to me! Twas very late, I was down & hurting, sitting catatonic in my easy chair with nowhere to go when I posted here of my sudden loss. Somehow I must have known the depth of true understanding & caring I would receive from my Motor Brothers on this here forum.
Tis wet-eyed I sit here astounded at the five pages of your thoughts & condolences! I now truly understand what a unique, eclectic & heartfelt group of brother motor rider you all are to me!

Right to left - Mike, his brother, Chris & I.
Mike & I rode to Prince George, Canada to meet Chris, who fley in with his plane. My old KAW 1000 LTD in foreground.
Mike, Chris & I-85.jpg

That is one amazing picture Steve. Love your hairdo. How did you get a helmet on ? :roll: The Kawi kooks great. Love a big radial engine. They sound awesome.