Hurt Bad - Lost a Good Friend Today

Bull, just reading this post now. My sincerest condolences on the passing of your friend. I'm at a loss for words. What can be said about a friendship that's lasted 50 years? Glad to see that you're getting some help from your brothers and sisters on the forum. Couldn't help but think of the song sung by Joe Cocker after I read your post. Take care bro.....

A man is fortunate to have one good friend in life to share it with. I am sorry for your loss.
Rejoice in the memories of what you shared and be strong for Mikes family and all of your loss.

You have many friends here an we all sorrow in the passing of your friend and are grateful you are among us.
Bull, just reading this post now. My sincerest condolences on the passing of your friend. I'm at a loss for words. What can be said about a friendship that's lasted 50 years? Glad to see that you're getting some help from your brothers and sisters on the forum. Couldn't help but think of the song sung by Joe Cocker after I read your post. Take care bro.....

What an appropriate tune for me right now!
Thanks for the words and for this tune I am listening to right now! :inlove
A man is fortunate to have one good friend in life to share it with. I am sorry for your loss.
Rejoice in the memories of what you shared and be strong for Mikes family and all of your loss.
You have many friends here an we all sorrow in the passing of your friend and are grateful you are among us.

Your word smithing is a real comfort to me now.
Much gratitude for your very kind words! :inlove
Late Condolences mate. Yet another Beer (or spirit of your choice) awaits you in OZ.
An old drunk said to me once (or maybe I was drunk when I heard it) "If you believe in eternity, then until you meet again, life will be but a twinkling of the eye".
Its been a phrase that has brought me comfort on more occasions than I care to remember and I guess the extrapolation from the message goes something like ..... keep living life the best you can because its not for a long time until you are united with those lost.
Travel well ...... hopefully in a Land Down under (although we really know that its a Land Up-Top).

I am SERIOUSLY considering a fly to OZ and at least three weeks riding Brisbane - Melbourne - Adelaide and parts in between.
My biggest concern is a motor to ride and hotels. Any of youse willing to RENT me a Rocket? (RENT not free - I have my pride and will happily mooch all the hots & flops I can) :roll: :rolleyes: :D
What are the best month(s) to come ride?
I am SERIOUSLY considering a fly to OZ and at least three weeks riding Brisbane - Melbourne - Adelaide and parts in between.
My biggest concern is a motor to ride and hotels. Any of youse willing to RENT me a Rocket? (RENT not free - I have my pride and will happily mooch all the hots & flops I can) :roll: :rolleyes: :D
What are the best month(s) to come ride?

Any months are great to Ride the best I would say would have to be september, I am in or near Brisbane so there is a bed here for ya and a Rocket too.... I have 3 bikes actually in September me and my son are riding down to Melbourne via all the back roads and then around to Adelaide, we do stupid stuff like this every year..... the winter here riding can be a bit rough but spring is great summer can be really hot and humid, Autumn is usually hot but nice. Cheapest places to stay mate are usually pubs outside of main cities, ya can get a room for like 30 bucks a night.
Sorry for your loss Bull, I have had to travel this road a few times lately, it is never an easy trip, but you had 50-years of good times. I had a friend and we had many travel plans for our bikes, he unfortunately moved on, so I bring a picture with me when I go to those places, so we still made it there together.