How fast have you ridden your Rocket III?

Her3tic that cracked me up. Everytime I talk about a ride my wife just says she is going to buy more life insurance on me. She thought I was going to calm down after trading the FJR for the R3T not realizing how fast it is. I am afraid to talk about my trips to Fl to see my bro Doug. If she new what we were doing I would be divorced. Again.
Nullaboor Australia December 2007

Raced a Hyabusa he backed off at 220kph. The road is straight with no obstructions for 146k. Since neither of us had a GPS we decided to time my second run. I went back to the start of the straight and he called go (on his mobile to my scala headset) and he checked the time as I passed the 146k sign. According to him and timed by a wrist watch I covered 146k in 28 minutes - You can work it out from there!!~:eek:

I now have a GPS and I'm heading out again soon so I can get a confirmed speed.

PS Its not the bike that lacks the power its the rider that fears to use it.
Raced a Hyabusa he backed off at 220kph. The road is straight with no obstructions for 146k. Since neither of us had a GPS we decided to time my second run. I went back to the start of the straight and he called go (on his mobile to my scala headset) and he checked the time as I passed the 146k sign. According to him and timed by a wrist watch I covered 146k in 28 minutes - You can work it out from there!!~:eek:

I now have a GPS and I'm heading out again soon so I can get a confirmed speed.

PS Its not the bike that lacks the power its the rider that fears to use it.

Yep. Holding 312 kph for 28 mins sounds normal for a stock R3, Probably about 8000rpm.