How fast have you ridden your Rocket III?

i have a 2005 r3 with cat by pass off road pipes and set to full power
and the limiter wouldnt let me pass 120 how did you do it
down a steep mtn?
Tuneboy can eliminate a few barriers but 120 is not one of them. I'd say you have some other incidence. Perhaps an unbalance in the throttle bodies? Tuneboy will also tell you of that imbalance.
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hit 135 and the speedo stopped advancing. I don't know if I hit a speed limiter or not. I didn't stay at that speed long enough to find out.
I had a fun ride to work this morning, got in a run with a Corvette around the south side of Loop 410... :) We didn't get too crazy, but averaged about 90 MPH, with some 110 - 120 MPH burst in between.. :) Worked out good... :) I left for work late and got here early!.. :)
Acceleration was no contest.. :) He would jump on it and I could still easily out accellerate and pass him, at the speeds we were traveling anyway. He could kill me on top end, I'm sure.. It was base model Corvette though, not a Z06 or ZR1... :)

We weren't riding/driving too insanely or anything.. just high speed with some bursts here and there.. :)
hit 135 and the speedo stopped advancing. I don't know if I hit a speed limiter or not. I didn't stay at that speed long enough to find out.
Maybe you've said though I've not read it. Are you on a R3Touring. If so, I couldn't tell you what the speed limiter is set at. 135 sounds like a pre-R3T limit. If so, the ceiling can be raised with a Tuneboy to just about anywhere. Mine has never been there but it's set at 155mph limit, just in case I need to get somewhere in a hurry:D