I don't own any Honda's at the moment and I have never even ridden a VTX, but that won't stop me from offering a few observations.
1- No comparison Honda dealer network to Triumph. Most of the people on here travel past two or three good Honda dealers to get to the Triumph shop and I think nearly 90% have one dealer they like, and one that they won't return to, except for a new tire. (but you gotta wonder why they put up with the inconvenience).
2- Very hard to judge reliability accurately from postings on the internet. I don't think anyone would represent the Triumph as being Honda's equal in reliability but they really aren't bad out of the box. Problem is the tinkerers! And the idiots who take an 800# cruiser and try to do Wheelies! (I broke a few teeth off second when I was going for some air and missed the shift!
) And by means of tinkerers I mean **** near every person on this forum. We just had 60 people for dinner at Lake Tahoe, with some rental bikes (for the really long distance folks) and some brave pillions we had a little over 30 Rockets in one place at one time. No two were even close to alike. Many were not recognizable as the same brand! One with a blower, one with a turbo. A couple with Lock up Clutches and lots with aftermarket exhaust. One with a really neat toolbox where the catalytic converter used to be. No two seats alike, all manner of windscreens, mirrors and turnsignals. (Sounds like nobody liked the bike when it was stock!)
3- IMHO The Rocket Touring won't suffer much growing pains as the bulk of the evolution that needed to occur has been taken care of and the Touring is mainly different in frame configuration, and that smaller rear tire. Some with enough seat time in both swear by the Touring for it's improved cornering. And the tire is cheaper. But it will not be safe at same flat out high speeds as the standard unless you upgrade to a more capable tire. But in truth most of us rarely run wide open. It is the acceleration that is so intoxicating.
4- Finally DPX where are you located? If you are in the So Cal area how about we go ride together a bit. See if there is much difference in the VTX and the RIII. See if it looks like a ride you want. See if I break a tranny again and you have to ride down the road looking for a tow truck! :lol:
1- No comparison Honda dealer network to Triumph. Most of the people on here travel past two or three good Honda dealers to get to the Triumph shop and I think nearly 90% have one dealer they like, and one that they won't return to, except for a new tire. (but you gotta wonder why they put up with the inconvenience).
2- Very hard to judge reliability accurately from postings on the internet. I don't think anyone would represent the Triumph as being Honda's equal in reliability but they really aren't bad out of the box. Problem is the tinkerers! And the idiots who take an 800# cruiser and try to do Wheelies! (I broke a few teeth off second when I was going for some air and missed the shift!
3- IMHO The Rocket Touring won't suffer much growing pains as the bulk of the evolution that needed to occur has been taken care of and the Touring is mainly different in frame configuration, and that smaller rear tire. Some with enough seat time in both swear by the Touring for it's improved cornering. And the tire is cheaper. But it will not be safe at same flat out high speeds as the standard unless you upgrade to a more capable tire. But in truth most of us rarely run wide open. It is the acceleration that is so intoxicating.
4- Finally DPX where are you located? If you are in the So Cal area how about we go ride together a bit. See if there is much difference in the VTX and the RIII. See if it looks like a ride you want. See if I break a tranny again and you have to ride down the road looking for a tow truck! :lol: