Honda owner thinking about a Rocket III Tourer


Sep 11, 2005
Yorba Linda, California
R3, SP3, T120
I don't own any Honda's at the moment and I have never even ridden a VTX, but that won't stop me from offering a few observations.
1- No comparison Honda dealer network to Triumph. Most of the people on here travel past two or three good Honda dealers to get to the Triumph shop and I think nearly 90% have one dealer they like, and one that they won't return to, except for a new tire. (but you gotta wonder why they put up with the inconvenience).
2- Very hard to judge reliability accurately from postings on the internet. I don't think anyone would represent the Triumph as being Honda's equal in reliability but they really aren't bad out of the box. Problem is the tinkerers! And the idiots who take an 800# cruiser and try to do Wheelies! (I broke a few teeth off second when I was going for some air and missed the shift! :oops: :oops: ) And by means of tinkerers I mean **** near every person on this forum. We just had 60 people for dinner at Lake Tahoe, with some rental bikes (for the really long distance folks) and some brave pillions we had a little over 30 Rockets in one place at one time. No two were even close to alike. Many were not recognizable as the same brand! One with a blower, one with a turbo. A couple with Lock up Clutches and lots with aftermarket exhaust. One with a really neat toolbox where the catalytic converter used to be. No two seats alike, all manner of windscreens, mirrors and turnsignals. (Sounds like nobody liked the bike when it was stock!)
3- IMHO The Rocket Touring won't suffer much growing pains as the bulk of the evolution that needed to occur has been taken care of and the Touring is mainly different in frame configuration, and that smaller rear tire. Some with enough seat time in both swear by the Touring for it's improved cornering. And the tire is cheaper. But it will not be safe at same flat out high speeds as the standard unless you upgrade to a more capable tire. But in truth most of us rarely run wide open. It is the acceleration that is so intoxicating.
4- Finally DPX where are you located? If you are in the So Cal area how about we go ride together a bit. See if there is much difference in the VTX and the RIII. See if it looks like a ride you want. See if I break a tranny again and you have to ride down the road looking for a tow truck! :lol:
I've been riding since the late 50's and owned just about everything but a Vincent Shadow (which I would love to own.) My last 2 bikes were Valkyries. I loved them and got really pissed at Honda for dropping the line. I would have bought a third, hands down. I just KNOW they did it because the VTX line, which is cheaper to make, was not selling until they got rid if the Valk.

Well, I take it all back. I am really glad Honda made their decision because it made me look at and buy a Rocket III Classic tourer. It is by far the best bike I have ever ridden. I have 10,000 miles on it now and have had no more maintenance than I had on the Hondas (I don't try to improve factory engineering.)

I've ridden the VTX and find it comfortable but quite frankly, it seems a bit doggish after riding the Rocket.

The Rocket is smooth as silk, it handles quite well, is comfortable, obviously very fast and it gets more attention than anything I have ever ridden. Complaints? I don't like the ignition key location. The sidestand is too far forward and that's about it. If Honda began making the Valkyrie again I would definitely stay with the Rocket.

Good luck on your decision.
DPX said:
Thanks for the response Turbofan. A fun read :) I didn't take the time to fill out all the little info boxes for the forum :roll: but I'm in Jackson Wisconsin (a little farm town (now a bedroom community) just north of Milwaukee. I have some friends in the beautiful San Diago area but have never made the trip via cycle - maybe someday before I'm too old :lol:

I rode through there on my Rocket in June of 07 on my way to Crivitz, another huge Wisconsin town. :D

Beautiful state. I'll be visiting again next month.
I have owned 2 Valkyries, 2 VTX's C and R, Rocket 3 Standard and a slew of Sport Tourers and as far as the evolution of the BIG CRUISER goes, the Triumph R3 Tourer is the only way to go in my opinion.

Get rid off the stock tires after 3-4k miles and you will be one happy camper.



Sorry I love the bike when it works, and I would take one over a vtx which I have ridden but not far. But Honda has the far better network. Frankly, now that mine is running well, I am considering trading for a Gold Wing while it still works. My problems surfaced after 10,000 miles. Fist 10,000 no problems at all. Last year and into this year, nothing but problems and the last two weeks are the first really trouble free in that time. All issues with TPS or related.
There's 5 of us with rockets here, in various styles, general consensus is the standard R3, (dressed if you like), or classic model is a better bike than the new tourer.. More grunt & power out of corners & much better looks..
However, thats OUR opinion... go to the dealer & test for yourself.The only opinion that really matters is your OWN! :D
DPX, I wasn't going to jump in on this one but for what it's worth, like greyrocket, I had some TPS problems and when it originally happened, I didn't even know what a TPS was. I am an old carb guy. Both the TPS and the stepper motor are easy fixes and a point to consider, most all new bikes will have EFI in the future.

With that said, Triumph stepped up to the plate and got mine running like new. Since then I rode to the Tahoe salvo and I just returned from a ride to Montana, Idaho and northeastern Washington. My Rocket performed superbly and 95 percent of bikes on the road couldn't get near it. It just rocks! I met quite a few VTX and Valkyrie guys at gas stops and we all exchanged notes and admired each others bikes. Whenever I stopped-and I mean anywhere- I was approached by other riders and just curious travelers asking about the Rocket. It draws attention wherever I take it. It is a totally unique, performance machine that gives the term "muscle bike" a whole new meaning.

Turbo and others pretty much covered it as far as quality, dealer support etc. Aside from the EFI problems, which turned out to be pretty simple, at 16K miles mine runs like the proverbial raped ape. If you want a nice tourer with a lot of class and a lot of torque, I'd consider the Touring. If you want one that you could customize to your taste, I'd get the standard and then start adding the good stuff.

I don't mean to knock your VTX at all but I've ridden them and to me the Rocket is a much finer machine. Have we totally confused you?
I just thought of something I wondered awhile back, do the chrome switch housings fit the older models?

Something has always bugged me with these black housings.