Honda owner thinking about a Rocket III Tourer

blastedbones said:
There's 5 of us with rockets here, in various styles, general consensus is the standard R3, (dressed if you like), or classic model is a better bike than the new tourer.. More grunt & power out of corners & much better looks..

That consensus may change as more of us buy the R3T....
I agree you are getting a skewed opinion here about the Touring. More and more will have it, and then the percent favoring it will go steadily up. And as they all get used to the bike they will gradually want to upgrade to the fastest Rocket, The Standard, in RED! :lol: :lol: :lol:
3ngin33r1 said:
I just thought of something I wondered awhile back, do the chrome switch housings fit the older models?

Something has always bugged me with these black housings.

It would be good even if they had chrome covers, like the after market Harley stuff.

Hey, wait a minute! Why are we thinking like Harley guys??? :shock: :shock:
On second thought, if the quality of chrome on the R3T switch housings is anything like the rest of the Triumph chrome, it may not be worth it.
I think the reliability question has been answered pretty well. And Doc's description was a pleasure to read because of the accuracy.

Something else that should be mentioned is the feel. The VTX and the Rocket aren't all that similar on riding style.

The VTX rider sits more "in" the bike where the Rock rider is more on top of the bike. These two fundamental differences will bring with them, some fundamental differences in handling. I'm not talking efficiency. Rather the rider's comfort zone.

All this being said... nothing beats first hand experience. Test ride the Rock and decide for yourself.

Had Honda 600, 1100 & 1300 all in three years and I was a die hard Honda fan. Even have a Honda car. Very reliable. The bikes are fun and easy going, I rode mine with the AZ Rat Pack on a long trip & had a hard time keeping up, thought it was going to break apart at 105 mph and couldnt keep that pace very long on the VTX 1300, but it was a great bike and I loved it.
---Then I rode my husbands rocket... I sold my Honda and immediately bought the R3 for me. One test ride will tell you all you need to know my friend, it sells itself. LOVE THIS BIKE!!
Good Luck!
Re: .

MsLizz said:
Had Honda 600, 1100 & 1300 all in three years and I was a die hard Honda fan. Even have a Honda car. Very reliable. The bikes are fun and easy going, I rode mine with the AZ Rat Pack on a long trip & had a hard time keeping up, thought it was going to break apart at 105 mph and couldnt keep that pace very long on the VTX 1300, but it was a great bike and I loved it.
---Then I rode my husbands rocket... I sold my Honda and immediately bought the R3 for me. One test ride will tell you all you need to know my friend, it sells itself. LOVE THIS BIKE!!
Good Luck!

Hey Miss Liz... would love to see a picture of your rock! BTW The wife settled on a Ducati... just waiting for he to actually buy it.


Karl; any Duc is a cool bike! The sound of it is starting to grow on me. I used to laugh when they pulled up beside me, because in all honesty, it actually DID sound like a sewing machine.. but that chain tinkling sound is kinda cool. Look forward to her joining us on a ride, more chicks the betta

I have TONS of pics of my R3. They are all over the thread, but I am MORE than happy to brag & show her off, mostly all stock. I like it simple and plain for the most part, but that may change in the future. Just got the Corbin Beetle bags, but I actually prefer no windshield or bags, but they just come in so handy!

The next couple of photos are from the trip to the Tahoe Salvo.

I think this is Walker Lake, where I actually laid down on the ground to get this angle and shot.

This is driving through the Sierra Nevada Mountains-stunning scenary

This is taken near the Grand Canyon.
Miss Liz. Thanks. Your Rock is sweet! Clean as all get out. Too bad it's not the fast color though (Sorry... couldn't resist)

On the wife's choice on bikes. I did my best to leave it entirely up to her. Though I did let her know what some of the posters here said when I asked about starter bikes. But for the most part I let her figure things out on her own.

But... after looking at many bikes and her talking to many people with me just sort of hanging around, the Duc is her final choice.

Just have to wait till she actually decides to get it.
