Help! its still dying on idle -What could be the cause of this failure?

Please keep all those artic clippers, artic express and all the other cold related air up their with you guys, we don’t want any south of the border!!! It screw up our winter riding seasons!!
Thanks in advance and Merry Christmas!!!
Please keep all those artic clippers, artic express and all the other cold related air up their with you guys, we don’t want any south of the border!!! It screw up our winter riding seasons!!
Thanks in advance and Merry Christmas!!!

We would, but for some reason Buffalo keeps pulling down all the crap weather from us, we certainly don't mind sharing it, but maybe you guys need to get rid of Buffalo and put something nice in that space instead

Allan, I've been following this thread and wishing I could contribute. I know how frustrating it must be.

My first thought was the stepper motor because I had a similar issue and a replacing it fixed the problem. You said that was not it though.

There were two other issues you reported, one being heavy fuel smell after it shut down and attempted restart. So of the three things needed for combustion, air/fuel/spark, it appeared that you somehow lost spark. The other is that they found corrosion in the electrical (can't recall where you said in your post) which suggests there might have been additional areas of corrosion.

Replacing the ECU and harness should fix the problem and hopefully did.

The part that had me confused was that the bike ran great from Day one until 2 hours after I picked it up from a service. Thats what made me think it was related to the service and not just corrosion on some of the wiring harness plugs- huge co incidence wouldn't you think?
However they have it idling now and with Hanso's help I am confident enough with Tune ECU to have a look for myself and maybe download a better tune courtesy of Hanso into it and see what happens. I'm hoping that the change of ECU doesn't confuse Tune ECU as it is the same one and it is registered and working but I cant check that till my cable comes from London Electric. Tomorrow I'm going to lift the tank and see what they did with the re wiring. Hopefully a neat organised job like a Sunseeker boat I once had - beautiful wiring. ... I'll keep you posted.

The first reaction when one has a bike/auto/boat that runs great, is taken in for service and then runs poorly or not at all is "WTF did you guys do?" I sometimes say that I don't believe in coincidences but it is possible I suppose.

If it is idling and running nicely things are probably jake. I wouldn't worry about the new ECU. You probably have the stock tune the bike came with now you can use Tune ECU and HansO's Magic Tune to get it going like a scalded ape.

I'm having trouble with getting Tune ECU to work myself and am about do post a HELP thread to find out what I'm doing wrong.

If you don't get your cable in time, let me know, I can loan you mine
If you don't get your cable in time, let me know, I can loan you mine
You got experience with Tune ECU as well? I'm feeling my way through and think I have a handle on it but knowing that therte is someone nearby in case it goes sideways is a comfort. I haven't spoken to any local shop that knows much about using Tune ECU

I have used it a few times successfully , as for shops dealing with tuning, good luck with that, we have many bike "mechanics" here, but very few that seam to know their a$$ from a hole in the ground, either way if you need the cable or a hand, i'm going to be around this holiday and beyond. I won't be taking my bikes apart just yet so I have time to kill