Helmet noise

Your not wrong about risk of loss at the prices they are. If I was outlaying that much I would use the grooves to secure a fine fishing line or wire to connect them together or attach each to your earrings and dangle them off them until you want to use. Would suit @barbagris and his Pirate ways and origins.


Th resonance you speak of, in my experience is present in my Nexx XR1R, to some degree. Mine didn't do it until I fitted my CES though.

It is recommended by the AMA to wear plugs even with the quietest of helmets, as even the best sound control helmets still exceed 85db on the freeway.

Really, look at my advice. Change helmet, or modify existing one to alter its resonance frequency, or (recommended by me) muffle the exhaust. I have built enough loudspeakers to be sure I am not just trying Btw the easiest way how to verify if the exhaust really is your problem, is to try different bike.

Funny story somehow related to the topic: my current company builds wireless equipment. Last week, we were shooting video about particular access point installation on old church tower in historical downtown. The church is protected historical building and still has old traditional bronze bells. Bells are operated by electrical motors that are in the lower part of the bell tower, so being up in the belfry, with headphones on and focused on your job done behind the camera, unless you are watching for the bell moving, you can not tell it is going to make SOUND, until it really DOES. I forgot to remind the camera crew to use alarm clock and move out of the belfry before the thing starts making THE SOUNDDDD.. So, they have experienced the lesson in massive acoustical resonance (they coursed like bunch of drunk marines.. deaf drunk marines). Now, your helmet is like the bell.. and your exhaust note at certain rpm is the bell tongue.
Thanks to all of you ! You've given me some ideas to try.

Fred, give the Howard light foam plugs a try, because the ones that you posted up are squared off at the ends as opposed to the tapered ones which shpould sit more comfortably in your ear canal and also will make a better seal.

Hey, youse got nothing to lose as they're quite cheap - just like you (and me).
Also just a point, try another bike that has 1,2,4, or 8 cylinders. 3 and 6 cylinder engines share secondary harmonics so if one engine causes a resonance it's highly likely the other configuration will as well.

My bell does not resonate at all, my shoei either, my Nexx does. It's kind of random which do and which don't, but if they do, there's next to nothing you can do to stop it. All 3 are expensive composite shells, all roughly the same external dimensions, all have massive view ports, like I said semi-random.

I like my M1 and will get another Schuberth when needed.
Already looking at full face versions.
I nee light as possible for my bad neck.

Do you change underwear with helmets?
Stick a 9mm cartridge in each ear.
It'll cut down on the noise, and you'll have an extra couple of rounds where no one'll think to look...

Well I'll be!!!
I had to give it a try and darn if don't work like a champ!!!