Hahah dreamers...........

I don't know, I think the 109 gets a much worse rap for it's handling than it deserves...every time I saw a write-up in a magazine about the 109 they were bashing it for being a poor handler. I've ridden most of the big V-twin muscle cruisers and I thought the 109 would outhandle any of them...it wasn't as bad as it was made out to be, but the R3R handles better I think...the biggest drawback to the 109's handling was it's lack of ground clearance...it couldn't be leaned very far....

I had the C109RT the cruiser version ,remapped and exhaust modified,it had heaps of power and as comfortable as the R3T, but almost zero ground clearance under the foot boards and handled like a crippled zeppelin in a hurricane,
that motor in a trike would be fantastic, I bought mine new and flipped it 12 Months later, the huge 140 rear tyre didn't help either,
How many of you remember the 1973 Superbike Comparison by Cycle Magazine CLICKY. Even then, the Harley was at the bottom of the list for pure performance.

Great Read!
YES thats one hell of a test and like I said Dragsrtip and Dyno testing tells you who the BOSS is not all that BS that anyone can spit out but never wins a race - When the flag drops the Bull**** stops- and that tells you who made the fastest , best handling,best stopping best performing bikes back then doesnt it no arguments now as its all spelled out for us that was a great test very well done
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I had the C109RT the cruiser version ,remapped and exhaust modified,it had heaps of power and as comfortable as the R3T, but almost zero ground clearance under the foot boards and handled like a crippled zeppelin in a hurricane,
that motor in a trike would be fantastic, I bought mine new and flipped it 12 Months later, the huge 140 rear tyre didn't help either,
I was drag racing a 109 and the bike was fast when retuned we ran 10 second 1/4 miles @124 mph and it was making 128 RWHP BUT the ROCKET does everything better as we know
2 years ago I had the pleasure of running up against a turbo Streetglide. We were both coming out of Deadwood heading south and once you are outside of town the highway goes from 30mph to 60mph and divides. It goes straight up a hill for 2 miles and has 2 corners in it. It's a big hill and it's divided because anyone towing only goes 30mph all the way to the top. Anyway we are both riding 2 up on the slow part of road side by side and he keeps blipping the throttle. He sees me smirking because I just find it funny that 80% of Harley guys do that and I am sure they don't know why. He says "You have a problem?" and I just said "You must have the problem, it sounds like your bike won't idle on it's own". Well that did it, he was mad as hell. He says "That's what happens when you have big power" I smiled and said "I'll wait for you at the top." I dropped the hammer and by the time I hit the halfway mark on the hill and wasn't that far over the speed limit, he gave up. Horsepower and torque aren't the same thing. I waited at the top and waved to him as they both gave me the finger on the way by.
MAX HP wins races all that Harley TRQ talk is BS they dont want to talk HP as they dont make any all that low rpm TRQ is useles in a race as you never race anyone that low in the powerband as we are well aware of so BYE BYE HORRIBLE DAVIDSON its not even a race
Torque loses to horsepower in most races but with the right gearing and if the tire can hook up than torque sometimes wins. Nothing is cut and dry 100% either way, there are always exceptions. Normally HP is winner over torque. I am not a drag racer only an observer with some fairly fast street bikes.
Torque loses to horsepower in most races but with the right gearing and if the tire can hook up than torque sometimes wins. Nothing is cut and dry 100% either way, there are always exceptions. Normally HP is winner over torque. I am not a drag racer only an observer with some fairly fast street bikes.
ITS really simple DAVE just look at the results of the Superbike comparison and the numbers tell the story and like I said before the KAWASAKIS won and thats the facts not opinion
ITS really simple DAVE just look at the results of the Superbike comparison and the numbers tell the story and like I said before the KAWASAKIS won and thats the facts not opinion

YES thats one hell of a test and like I said Dragsrtip and Dyno testing tells you who the BOSS is not all that BS that anyone can spit out but never wins a race - When the flag drops the Bull**** stops- and that tells you who made the fastest , best handling,best stopping best performing bikes back then doesnt it no arguments now as its all spelled out for us that was a great test very well done

When the flag drops the Bullsh** stops nice line I must use it one day, :whitstling:miniscule timing differences do not always transfer to the road (real world) conditions ,nice report though
How in the world can you fellows remember what was printed in a mag. forty some years ago???
Hell I can't remember what I did yesterday. ....that is a lie......I can not remember why I got out of my chair and went into the kitchen most of the time.

I was just a weekend racer, made enough money to get most of the goodies I needed to go fast. The most info I had on the H1 & H2 back then was a group of Japanese guys in Calif. that were making go fast parts. That is where I found out about moving the spark plug hole to get a better burn, flow benches. Most of the people around here( east coast) just made fun of the ying ying jap crap.

What I saw around here was everyone wanted to run 2 engines or Nitro. I did not win many races, a few, but when you are the open class you run what you brought.......heads up. I ran against motorcycles the would run 130-140 mph in a 1/4 mile. It was still a lot of fun for me and that is what it was all about.

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