Hahah dreamers...........

From what I understand, a stock Rocket makes more torque and horsepower @ 1500 R.P.M. than any production Harley Davidson; to include the V-rod.
A few years ago I was at a wedding reception and started chatting to the guy next to me. The conversation turned to bikes and he mentioned he used to own a Norton Commando. He told me of the time when he was at a traffic light out of town and a Kawi H2 pulled up next to him and challenged him to a race. First one to the general store in Zephyr. When the light changed they took off and the Kawi streaked ahead. At the first bend as the Kawi was braking the Norton went past, snapped the footpeg off as he laid it over but he wobbled and kept going. He was first to the store and was puffing on a ciggy when the Kawi pulled in. You're fn crazy he said. And your second laughed Mr Norton.........

Now that's what I am talking about! real world events ,My Dad god bless him had a saying,"The older I get the better I used to be":laugh::laugh:

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