Hahah dreamers...........

This is why it sounds a bit weird to an Aussie....
"whizzer" Male or female genitalia. Often heard around city construction sites and strip shows—'Show us your whizzer!
Now, you said you were 14 and he done what with your Whizzer
I sold NORTON back then and they were not faster than the 900 KAW but they would beat the 750 HONDA

True but the section of road was and still is a motor cycle heaven plenty of well cambered corners ending in short straights then more sharp bends, made for the better handling British Bikes, the Z900 was a great bike but the Suzuki GS1000S was better it had the power plus a decent frame and brakes ,
The S&S 124 is a very unreliable motor. It may run like a bat out of hell for a Harley but has a longer stroke which translate into a very short lived engine. About 50,000 or less mileage. The 111 S&S on the other hand is a decent motor which produces more power than the screaming chicken version. You are looking at about $10,000 for the crate engine plus modification to the primary and fuel system. With out the mods to the primary and fuel system you really have nothing but a accident waiting to happen. By the time the fat lady sings you have spent around $15,000 dollars for a bike that still will not outrun A rocket X completely stock. A few of my friends who own such bikes found this out the hard way. My Harley which has a lot of modifications to the engine and is considered very fast for a Harley can not hold a candle to the Rocket. With that said I really have nothing against Harley's. I kind of like the Harley's just do not care much for some of the morons who ride them.:D:D:D:D
They are just no fun to **** with anymore... All of my friends have Harley's stage 4's. 110" it doesn't matter they might as well be a scooter I beat them so bad on my RamAir, custom 3-1 pipe and Doebeck tuned Rocket X it really is funny I don't even have to downshift. Don't get me wrong I have been that same guy that spent thousands of dollars to get that whopping 125 torque and maybe 120 hp....not doing that ANYMORE! Now if I could just figure out how to make my bike sound as good as a Harley.
I like the way the Rocket sounds. One of the first things I noticed when I bought the Rocket was how nice it was to ride with out the consent roar of the engine. Yes Harley's fixed up sound neat but after awhile it can get irritating. :cool::cool::cool:
THE two stroke KAWASAKIS where faster than the Honda 750 but the HONDA was a nice bike being a four stroke THEN KAW came out with the Z1900 in 1972 and it was the KING period

The Z1 didn't come out until '73...I know, I had one...never liked the burgundy and orange color scheme though...
I like the way the Rocket sounds. One of the first things I noticed when I bought the Rocket was how nice it was to ride with out the consent roar of the engine. Yes Harley's fixed up sound neat but after awhile it can get irritating. :cool::cool::cool:

I do too. The first time I heard mine I couldn't believe how quiet it was with a performance exhaust (TORS). I like the low frequency bass tone emitted by the exhaust...quiet enough not to be annoying, but still healthy sounding...Harleys do sound nice, but only with super loud exhaust, and then they're too loud to ride for very long...
True but the section of road was and still is a motor cycle heaven plenty of well cambered corners ending in short straights then more sharp bends, made for the better handling British Bikes, the Z900 was a great bike but the Suzuki GS1000S was better it had the power plus a decent frame and brakes ,

The Z1 would've eaten the Norton in a straight line...those big Japanese bikes weren't made for going around corners...and you could pretty much say the same for every Japanese bike in succession...the GS1000 was better than the Z1, the CBX was better yet, the GPZ was even better, and then we start getting into the early ****** rockets....
Here are a few that might bring back some memories. They were all restored and ridden but not enough so i sold them over the last few years.
62 TR6.jpg
Those are some sweet British and Japanese iron Dave, I think I'd of had a hard time watching the Square Four go!
True but the section of road was and still is a motor cycle heaven plenty of well cambered corners ending in short straights then more sharp bends, made for the better handling British Bikes, the Z900 was a great bike but the Suzuki GS1000S was better it had the power plus a decent frame and brakes ,
YES the Suzuki came out later

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