wow thanks for all the great replies guys I will be riding safe and doing the speed limit I'm not looking to get involved with Johnny Law or the meat wagons.
after anayzing the weather across the country I'll be heading straight up to Kansas City then shortcutting to Lincoln Nebraska heading up to Ogallala and then Scottsbluff to Douglas and Casper.
looks like I'll be getting cold near Lincoln Nebraska and then it should be snowing on me after I pass Scottsbluff somewhere.
I told my friend that if the roads get icy they're going to have to come get me on a trailer.
I know the snow melts at first but eventually it will stick.
if I see anything that looks like if I see anything that looks like a black patch on the highway I'm done.
the only problem is my friend suffers from narcolepsy and isn't really good to drive any further than just down the street.
I have a good feeling about I have a good feeling about it I think I'll make it.