OK, seems like my transmission just cr*pped out while riding back from work today. Symptoms:
  • Bike is jerking violently (like going in and out of gear quickly) and making nasty mechanical noise when you open the throttle more than 1/3 way in 4th gear on the freeway
  • If you just cruise along at steady throttle in 4th gear, things seem to be fine. I didn't want to ride for too long in 4th gear though to experiment further
  • All other gears are fine, no problems even at full throttle
The bike is an '11 Roadster with 18k miles on it. @warp9.9 and other Rocket gurus, your insight on what kind of damage I'm looking at would be most welcome.

your symptons are from your description very similar to mines I have a 2013 roadster and I had this problem in 4th and 5th past 2500 rpm when loading the engine it happened this june and it never went away .
right now the bike is in the shop with a gear box completely disassembled my mechanic is looking at everything from clutch all the way to the rear wheel just to make sure we are not missing something yesterday the service manager while I was there told me that a "bushing " on the shaft of the 5th gear was scored badly ( whatever that means )I shall get some results very soon I hope as the mechanic is back from a long trip back east .I shall let you know in details what caused this problem if you think it is the same and I assume this to be the case you are looking at $2500 minimun for repairs
there are also two other captains with this same problem and so far nobody has had a definite explanation of this breakdown I will post pictures asap of the parts replaced when I get the bike back
be a wit bit more patient
how much does carp charge to under cut these gears,do they need the bike/motor or can you send them gears and have them undercut??
I would not be sure, but I bet they would take your gears, work them and send them back with a proviso, that if they don't put it together they cannot guarantee any assembly related failure. If I could get my motor out of the bike in the first place, I sure would not mind to crate it up and send it in too.