Sorry to hear that albertaduke. Now that you described the symptoms in more detail, it sounds exactly like what happened with my bike, except that mine was cutting out only in 4th gear. Have you had any issues with your gearbox before, such as the known issue of 1st gear not engaging properly in some new R3s, or having to use more force to shift into some gear?
my only issue about the gear box is the occasional popping out of firt gear just after release of the clutch from a standstill bike is now in the hand of a good tech we shall see what gives!! I should clarify that there is no popping out of gears but a infrequent slam/snap feeling felt through the footpegs
It does seem like the distance between neutral and first is not enough to get any mechanical leverage. However, if I am not sure I have first gear solidly engaged I will hold my foot on shifter and bring clutch out to friction zone. If trans is not square in first it will then drop in solidly. This seems to be only when starting out, and after running awhile and stopping and slowing first comes in easy and solidly. It's similar to all bikes I've ridden that most any gear is better and more solidly set if the bike is moving.
Almost two months and many dollars later, the beast is finally back in action! The transmission is now shifting much smoother and with less effort than it ever has.

For those who are interested, these are the old/damaged parts:


1st/4th shift fork


1st/4th shift fork


5th output gear


Slight wear in 2nd/3rd shift fork as well

Here, I've circled the spots my showed damage that yours also shows it:

How many miles did you have and what year again? I forget.

If my tech sent me that pic and said it was pictures of the parts I had in my hand, I'd believe it without question, they look exactly the same.

Amazing how much better it shifts when properly assembled, isn't it?!?@!?!?!

PS: Your bike is sexy as fawk, I love all the small touches that look factory but aren't!:evil::)
Mine's an '11 with 19k miles. I bought it 1.5 years ago with only 2k on the odo, and I always thought the somewhat clunky shifting is just the nature of the beast. Now most shifts will just "snick" in gear.
Yep, same feeling here, gentle drops into gear, very little pressure needed, love it!

RE JPOOL/CLAVIGER problemS I am now 90 % sure I have a gear problem my mechanic did not feEL the "jerking/slamming" noise I felt as he did not ride it long enough so since I am not a experienced mechanic I can only go by deduction and meager experience , I had hope it might have been the clutch but clutch grab, slip, or do not engage and my jerking noise sound much more metallic , there is only the gear box left where this jerking can come from so I keep riding gently for the rest of the summer and come october I will fork over a bunch of money to get it fixed .
I am rather p...ed off at triumph for not coming up to the plate
when my 06 had the output shaft problem triumph just ignored me completely now I have only 15000 miles on my 2013 and we are going to open the motor because of a triumph f'''' up at the assembly plant or something of this nature. i am not too pleased with their corporate attitude to say the least and there will be others probably developing this problem ...wished we could talk to their HQ somewhere and make them realized there are a bunch of unhappy customer out there ...end of rant
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Sorry to hear that albertaduke. Now that you described the symptoms in more detail, it sounds exactly like what happened with my bike, except that mine was cutting out only in 4th gear. Have you had any issues with your gearbox before, such as the known issue of 1st gear not engaging properly in some new R3s, or having to use more force to shift into some gear?
a bit late in replying but I have shifted in first a few time where the bike goes forward a foot or so and the first gear disengage I will take it to the shop in october meantime I ride like I am walking on eggs.