Sounds very familiar, if you just keep riding it nicely it will last for a while. Once a gear stops staying and starts popping out, then your mechanic can't be an idiot about it.
that bike looks sweet,makes that Honda look feeble.although I think you have the dreaded termites in your exhaust
Thanks for posting the Pictures! I had no idea how clunky the transmission on this thing is?:eek: It looks like something from a grist mill, not a motorcycle transmission:confused: Seriously, I have a 100 year old cider press with almost the same straight cut gears. It just doesn't make sense that Triumph, or any maker for that matter, would go to all the design effort to make a great motor and then throw in cave man gears to get the power to the rear wheel?:banghead:
Thanks for posting the Pictures! I had no idea how clunky the transmission on this thing is?:eek: It looks like something from a grist mill, not a motorcycle transmission:confused: Seriously, I have a 100 year old cider press with almost the same straight cut gears. It just doesn't make sense that Triumph, or any maker for that matter, would go to all the design effort to make a great motor and then throw in cave man gears to get the power to the rear wheel?:banghead:
CAVE man gears thats funny so tell me how you became a transmission expert because we work on all makes of bikes and they all have similar designs with straight cut gears so I think you might be drinking to much of that home made HARD CIDER LOL
Here, I've circled the spots my showed damage that yours also shows it:

How many miles did you have and what year again? I forget.

If my tech sent me that pic and said it was pictures of the parts I had in my hand, I'd believe it without question, they look exactly the same.

Amazing how much better it shifts when properly assembled, isn't it?!?@!?!?!

PS: Your bike is sexy as fawk, I love all the small touches that look factory but aren't!:evil::)
MOST of the damage we see is from missed shifts with the rounded off dogs and burnt scored shift forks all caused by missed shifts and abuse we see the same in all the sport bikes it only takes one missed shift to damage a trans
CAVE man gears thats funny so tell me how you became a transmission expert because we work on all makes of bikes and they all have similar designs with straight cut gears so I think you might be drinking to much of that home made HARD CIDER LOL
So no motorcycles use beveled synchronized gears huh? I'm not sure I claimed to be a transmission expert anywhere in my post?o_O
So no motorcycles use beveled synchronized gears huh? I'm not sure I claimed to be a transmission expert anywhere in my post?o_O
JUST kidding about being an expert BUT no synchronizers in the transmissions in the bikes we work on so the ROCKET trans is the most robust trans we work on and we run that trans in the TRIUMPH STREAMLINER with 2 500 HP engines