Come to think of it, my bike also had the problem of slipping out of 1st gear that several other captains have reported in new / low mileage bikes. That problem went away after 5k miles or so, but since my bike also needed pretty firm shifts from 3rd to 4th and AFAIK the same shift fork is controlling 1st and 4th gears, I'm also inclined to think the problem originated from the factory.

Unfortunately the bike is an '11 with 18k miles and I bought it used, so I'll get to pay from my own pocket. At the moment it's looking like about $1k in parts, another $1k in labor, and more than a month of downtime :(
Man, that really sucks! It makes me wonder just how rare this transmission thing is?:unsure:Hope it goes better for you once it's all done.
Man, that really sucks! It makes me wonder just how rare this transmission thing is?:unsure:Hope it goes better for you once it's all done.

just reading this thread before taking my 2013 roadster to a shop for what might be a similar problem I have that nasty noise felt through the footpegs whenever I load the engine in either 4th or 5th gear from 2100 rpm up going uphill or accelerating on level ground i pulled the oil filter and found no metal
the mechanic will confirm my suspicion on friday 15 of july
just reading this thread before taking my 2013 roadster to a shop for what might be a similar problem I have that nasty noise felt through the footpegs whenever I load the engine in either 4th or 5th gear from 2100 rpm up going uphill or accelerating on level ground i pulled the oil filter and found no metal
the mechanic will confirm my suspicion on friday 15 of july
How many miles? Although, that doesn't seem to be relevant with this particular anomaly. I really hope you can say, "it ain't so"! :unsure:
Good luck.
Although I bought my bike slightly used and the factory warranty deceased, I did get a 2 year here's hoping I don't actually have to use it!
just reading this thread before taking my 2013 roadster to a shop for what might be a similar problem I have that nasty noise felt through the footpegs whenever I load the engine in either 4th or 5th gear from 2100 rpm up going uphill or accelerating on level ground i pulled the oil filter and found no metal
the mechanic will confirm my suspicion on friday 15 of july

Oh no, please keep us posted on your findings. I would think though that a transmission noise should be heard at any RPMs. Does the noise go away if you continue accelerating at higher RPMs? If the noise is heard only when lugging the engine at low RPMs in high gears, I think it could also point to some developing bearing problem.
Oh no, please keep us posted on your findings. I would think though that a transmission noise should be heard at any RPMs. Does the noise go away if you continue accelerating at higher RPMs? If the noise is heard only when lugging the engine at low RPMs in high gears, I think it could also point to some developing bearing problem.

the "noise" cannot be heard over my jardine pipes but my feet on the pegs can feel the slamming very clearly the problem arise past 2100 rpm in 4th and 5th when accelerating or climbing some incline and as the revs climbs so is the slamming in the gearbox !! but I do not think it is a bearing the slapping/slamming felt is not the kind associated with bearing noise
I dared not going over 2800 rpm ...clearly a bent fork or a circlip gone awol I will post the results and the COST of REPAIR this is a 2013 roadster with 15 000 miles when it started!:banghead:
Sorry to hear that albertaduke. Now that you described the symptoms in more detail, it sounds exactly like what happened with my bike, except that mine was cutting out only in 4th gear. Have you had any issues with your gearbox before, such as the known issue of 1st gear not engaging properly in some new R3s, or having to use more force to shift into some gear?
@jpool umm, isn't that thinking what got you into this $2,000 predicament in the first place?! Or was it the previous owner? Or a poor Triumph design? :D:eek::roll::sneaky::whitstling::thumbsup:

Dunno, I'm currently leaning towards either poor machining or assembly from the factory, since most 2010- up gearboxes are trouble free, but mine had the 1st gear engagement problem and harder shifting needed to 4th since new, and it's the same shift fork for both.