Gearbox/clutch drama

Unless the damaged area where the splines dug in is the only part of the cir-clip that was actually seated in the groove. This would reduce the so called miss shift thrust transfered thru the 4th and 3rd and splined bushings to work the circlip out. Just a thought. Oh and it didn't hurt either :)
AFTER seeing the damage to the dogs on the gears it looks like a bad shift caused the damage and the circlip popped out from the massive force as I cant see any other reason for the circlip to jump out of the groove
if that clip was correctly installed i would think that u could jump on the shifter and something else would break before the clip would come out. i would venture to say that u could put it in a press and still have a hard time getting the clip to pop out of the grove.
Of course its hard to actually pin point this but say the over bend or over stretch in the cir-clip happened on assembly it could have been loose in the froove spinning frequently and wearing the clip. This could also aid in working it out of the groove overtime. Or weakened it enough that a slight misshift popped her out maybe even over time. I am not saying you do not know how to shift. Just pondering things.

I will point out though if you more blatantly thrash the beast its easier to firgure out why it broke.
Don't ask me how I know:D
Amen sir. You have a big fan club, and bigger congregation wishing you success.
Sadly, with that, and a dollar, one can purchase a cup of coffee.

Where the heck do you buy coffee??? :eek: :p
Of course its hard to actually pin point this but say the over bend or over stretch in the cir-clip happened on assembly it could have been loose in the froove spinning frequently and wearing the clip. This could also aid in working it out of the groove overtime. Or weakened it enough that a slight misshift popped her out maybe even over time. I am not saying you do not know how to shift. Just pondering things.

I will point out though if you more blatantly thrash the beast its easier to firgure out why it broke.
Don't ask me how I know:D

I am definitely guilty of hammering to poor thing...:whitstling:

If there was a lube problem around that area I could understand some extra wear on the clip. That said, the clip doesn't look discoloured and I expect a bit of blueing.
Parts arrived this week and I've put the input/output back together.

I noticed a major design discrepancy between the manual I have, the exploded view the dealer worked off to order parts and the ACTUAL shaft design fitted to my bike....

Pre- roadster manual shows a circlip, thrust washer then output 3rd&4th (#17 & #18 for anyone with a manual) gears on splined bushes then thrustwasher , circlip. Clearly the circlips retain the 2 gears and everyone is happy. My dealer ordered these exact parts according to the updated Roadster workshop manual which shows the same parts in the same order. However...

The thrust washers do not fit in the space between the circlip grooves on the output shaft fitted to my bike. Instead of splined bushes that fit flush with either face of the gears, mine has bushes that have a "washer" at one end ... I assume this acts as the thrust washer as it is this face the seats against the circlip either side of the gears. So the extra width of the bushes means you can't fit thrust washers as well because they won't fit between the circlip grooves.

My concern is that both manuals show very clearly circlip-washer-bush-bush-washer-circlip and there is no way that this is the set up on the output shaft fitted to my roadster.
Parts arrived this week and I've put the input/output back together.

I noticed a major design discrepancy between the manual I have, the exploded view the dealer worked off to order parts and the ACTUAL shaft design fitted to my bike....

Pre- roadster manual shows a circlip, thrust washer then output 3rd&4th (#17 & #18 for anyone with a manual) gears on splined bushes then thrustwasher , circlip. Clearly the circlips retain the 2 gears and everyone is happy. My dealer ordered these exact parts according to the updated Roadster workshop manual which shows the same parts in the same order. However...

The thrust washers do not fit in the space between the circlip grooves on the output shaft fitted to my bike. Instead of splined bushes that fit flush with either face of the gears, mine has bushes that have a "washer" at one end ... I assume this acts as the thrust washer as it is this face the seats against the circlip either side of the gears. So the extra width of the bushes means you can't fit thrust washers as well because they won't fit between the circlip grooves.

My concern is that both manuals show very clearly circlip-washer-bush-bush-washer-circlip and there is no way that this is the set up on the output shaft fitted to my roadster.
Triumph changed that particular splined washer and splined bushing to one complete unit so you do not use the old splined thrust washers this change was at least in the middle of 2008 which is when the serial number change was. I can't say I find it weird that yours had the old parts in them as I have seen old style clutches a few years after they were changed.
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I must not read gearbox problem posts,I must not read gearbox problem posts, or paranoia will start again, and send me lurking around the FJR1300 and 1400 GTR dealers show rooms again, :notworthy::notworthy:
I have been waiting for the second part of this series with great anticipation . Even more than series 7 of the walking dead ! !
It has to be the best and most informative thread I have ever read in this forum thus far . Can't wait for a happy ending and just sorry it is at @mr hunt expense ! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: