cusso ken
Living Legend
I'd check my oil level/pressure/age before being too hasty with a sale!! If it makes you feel any better, mine gave no real warning that there was a problem
The disappointing thing about the matter is that I have babied this bike since new ,5000klm oil (Fuchs Silkolene 10w40w Ester synthetic )and filter changes good quality moly grease in the final drive splines oil changed in bevel box at every 10000Kls ,K&N Air filter( Regularly recharged using genuine recharging kit) in fully sealed OEM standard air box, never thrashed or laboured in the gears,plugs changed at 20000Klm and valve clearances checked as per schedule ect ect,and now at 46000Klms it looks like it is about to **** its self, I will put it in the back of the shed and ponder my next move, I am too old and cranky to be jiggered around when I don't have to be, I may just give piggy a shake and find a new ride