future of Rockets

As the great Meatloaf once sang YOU TOOK THE WORDS RIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH

Yep i hate all that bull**** people bolt on their bikes its one step away from driving a car i think . bags screens heated this and fluffy that radios trailers . Just buy a **** campervan already and be done with it . But each to their own i guess definitely not my thing though

For long trips 500 miles or more I can maybe see a wee bit of a need for all that stuff but I for one like the bike nice and naked just like my arse under my kilt

I like the minimalist approach myself.
Nothin' I don't need takin' up space, or time or my thoughts,
just the wind, the motor, an me....
well boys seeing how we ride 2 up a lot with my bride of 26 years and yes she the best she has done 1000 miles days ..hours in the rain...slept on the ground at rest stop..and not *****ed once..so as I look for more from a bike as we get older .so we can have more fun on the road..and ride in more comfort ..thats what we want .as for the strip down bike glad that works for you ..but some of us ride more then 100 mile day


That's actually what I was aiming at. If every ride is a long one then have the bike ready for that all the time. 90% at least of my rides (not mileage) are well under 100 miles - even 100 km. but that doesn't mean I don't go on longer rides either 2 up or solo. I ride every day so I don't want all that stuff on there when I don't need it, which is most of the time. I always hav a dual seat, sissy bar and rack on there because I need them a lot and it's not worth putting them on and off. But with everything else it's as needed.

I won highest mileage at RDU ... 95,000 klms. Bike was bought new in January 2009. Majority of my riding been done without the bags and screens , although when travelling comfort is becoming more and more important nowadays.
Gotta agree with Ed here. For America, a loaded bike is what is "cool" for 98 out of 100 buyers. Heck, you can ride 2500 miles in a stright line here!
Not disputing that there's some who want all that stuff but I can't see Triumph chasing, in this market at least, a share of a very small market. Given that the Japs have generally shadowed each other, you have to ask why there's only 1 Goldwing. A Rocket is what it is and I reckon Triumph has done that with good reason - and maybe flawed logic.
Fairly sure the new triumph trophy is going to be a fully dressed arthritis courier . Could be an option for those wanting a motorized lounge
Test drove a victory touring model at laconia bike week. Didn't do much for me. 106 motor did not seem much faster than my harley. After buying rocket roadster harley collects dust.