You and I both know that you are correct having done the dealer demo events that we have.
I bet I heard 1000 times that potential R3T buyers would get the bike EXCEPT it does not offer all the "stuff" that H-D, Victory, and Honda offer. Most american tour riders want that stuff. Having worked at a Triumph dealership I can tell you my experience is that the ones who buy the bike don't see it that way and don't really get that most other riders want that stuff. I know I don't-but talking on the sales floor and at shows most do want the bells and whistles. Most big bike tour riders want/need (or think they do) that stuff. I know, it's not a lot of the folks here but I believe it's tha vast majority of riders.
Triumph is missing the boat big time in not offering a "Limited" or whatever loaded for the american rider
Here is an example: when you ride in the great twisties of PA there are very few places to pass. As the roads are few and far between a rider can often find themselves in a long line behind a large truck, or two, or three! When you find a window to get around, it's small. The R3T makes short work of it and you'd think that would be important to most. Who wants to sit behind a truck for 30 miles. Well, having been there many times I see TONS of H-D riders who simply cannot make the pass in the space allowed two up. They just shrug it off when we chat about it. They'd rather kick back and turn up the tunes! WHAT? That would drive me nuts and I'd figure most of you, too. But, that's the market. Ed's right on. Every day Triumph serves up sales to the other brands on a silver platter.
Our dealer now has Victory. All kinds of riders of all brands stop to check them out. When they ask about the R3T they get interested as the $$$$ is reasonable. As soon as they ask about all the doo-dads..end of story. They will talk with the wife and justify 20+ large for the Polaris product and say "...but look at what all you get!"
My .02. YMMV.