former airline pilot without the big bucks
To address specifics of your post:
I can force my lever all the way to the bar while the bikes sitting still, that's normal. Trying to do so while riding will result in ABS going berserk. The slightly spongy lever is because of the ABS system, it's unfortunately a side effect of having them. No matter how flawless the maintenance they'll never have that sharp, bitey feel of a non-abs equipped sportbike. If your lever comes all the way to bar without activating ABS while moving, that's a serious issue and is definitely hydraulic system related.
If you've bled them twice, they're bled, the problem lies elsewhere.
If you can't activate ABS while cranking on the lever, but it's not yet to the bar, your pads are the culprit. HH will fix you right up, no issues getting max possible braking pressure using HH pads.
If your condition is, you can reach the bar with the lever while moving without activating the ABS, try the fix I linked. If that doesn't fix it, my next step would be HH pads, as you're doing, then if still problematic, I'd do a caliper rebuild. The kit isn't expensive.
seems I never stop fiddling with one thing or another getting tired of fixing this or that . i even dare not compute the dollar figure vs the miles i ride must be atrocious!!
any way I shall follow your advises and report btw where is your (THE FIX I LINK)cannot find it