First ride my Carpenter Rocket

Great story -
You should be ashamed -
Not too much, however -
PS Why the 20mph roll-on?
Just wondering. Starting at about 20MPH, did you leave it in 1st gear or start the race in 2nd?
from a dead stop on asphalt the bike lights the rear tire up...the roll at 20 lets the bike hook but you still have to short shift first gear as it wants to wheelie and loop. If the bike had some drag style handle bars you could move your weight a lot more forward and get more rpms out before the 1-2 shift.

Great story -
You should be ashamed -
Not too much, however -
PS Why the 20mph roll-on?

Have you ever timed roll-on performance of the bike and trying it different ways? Reason I ask is even with a stock Rocket like mine against another bike, being in a lower gear (downshifting) doesn't really show much of an advantage when I take off from a rolling start.

For example, when rolling on against my Valkyrie, it has to downshift in either 3rd or 4th just to keep up with the roll-on power of 5th gear on the Rocket. When I downshifted the Rocket to 4th, there wasn't a noticeable difference of acceleration against the Valkyrie. As far as time frame it was a big advantage cause I didn't have to shift from 4th back into 5th. It's very brief, but still saves time.

Did I lose everyone with that? Just curious if you tried starting in 2nd from a 20mph roll instead of first, utilizing the gobs of torque and saving yer 1-2 shift time.
You can really feel the carpenter rocket come on when it gets in the range of the cams and you need the rpms on your side as the bike can pull to 8-9k rpms so its not so much using the torque but getting the bike into peak rpm range for the shift will shorten the time from point a-z.

being in the rpm an
Question for 9secondsflat or anyone knowledgable with serious perfomace upgrades.

I am wondering at what RPM would you say that the Carpenter engine eaquals or surpasses the stock Rocket on torque?

I am seriously considering a Carpenter upgrade, or possibly going with a blower.

With a blown engine I really don't want to have the concerns of possibly sometime getting some bad fuel without enough octane and certainly don't want to add octane booster with every fill up. I am aware of what low octane fuel does to a blown engine and don't want those concerns.

On the other hand, I don't want to have to rev the hell out of the engine either to get power.

My dilemna is that I live at an altitude of 5,000 ft. and 98% of my riding is between 5,000 and 11,000 ft. in altitude and there is considerable perfomance loss on a stock engine. I do trailer mine back home to cen tral IL when I go back home to visit. When in IL and much closer to sea level my Rocket runs so much stronger that I often have the front wheel in the air without trying.

My thoughts right now are that higher compression from Carpenter could make up a lot of my perfomance loss at the higher altitudes.