G Williams
.040 Over
Thanks for that - much appreciated!In an effort to quieten down the final drive, I have just drained the oil in my final drive, ready for filling when that exact oil arrives later today, it is the Castrol replacement for the oil specified on the manual, so is correct.
The magnetic oil drain plug is underneath the final drive and the filler plug is on the side. They are both the same size and have the same size washers on them, but only the drain plug has a magnet in the middle.
It takes 170ml of 75W/90, when the bike is upright the oil level should be level with the filler hole.
I don't know what the oil is supposed to look like yet but the stuff I took outafter 700mile post service is very metailic silver in colour and there was a good fingertip of metail sludge on the magnet.
In the piccy below, 1 is the drain plug and 2 is the filler plug. both should be tightened with new washers to 25Nm.
I ordered a new oil filter and 6 sump plug washers earlier. Don't suppose the washers are the same size for the final drive are they?