Do you remember your first ride?

Let's see it was the summer of 1964, a buddy of mine had a 250 Honda scrambler and said go ahead take for a spin, well you know the rest,still ridin 49 years later..........sandman
🤣🤣🤣🤣 seeing all the 1960s replies! As discussed in another earlier thread I AM the BABY rocket here. So. It was a late 80s Honda cr80 I was able to convince my dad to split it with me. It was an 800 dollar buy I was 12✊ it was 1995 prior to that the first time on a street bike I was 5 and holding to the tank of my old mans hurricane like a flying squirrel 😳 mom was not impressed. Wonder if that's why I wanted the rocket 🤔
Mine was all the way back in 2004. I was 31 years old. Bought myself a brand new Harley Davidson 1200 sportster. Taught myself how to ride, started in the back yard, figured it would be softer when I fell over. Moved on to the street, up and down and around the circle. Ended up putting 77,000 miles on that bike before I traded it in on a fatbob in 2013. Eventually traded in the fatbob on the rocket I ride now.
Romet pony 2
The whole 0.5 horse power. 50 cc capacity
1982 beyond the iron curtain.
Oh youth 🤥


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Jan 1980.
2nd year at College and a month or two summer fruit picking cashed me up with about Au$700 and a mug's intent to buy a motorcycle, any motorcycle!
Well the first one I saw on a student noticeboard was a '73 Honda 250XL single with Supertrapp and plastic endurance tank.
Off course I bought it for full asking price without even riding or knowing how to ride it!
No driving license for car or bikes yet, not even a Learners permit.
In hindsight I should have baulked at the wooden clothes peg clutch cable extender!;):whitstling:

After about an hour of kick starting and promptly stalling on a 30 degre 15' ramp out of an off road college campus carpark ;) :whitstling:
I finally got up there with it still running and by this stage I was glad to be going anywhere which was pretty likely as I had no idea at all of the roads and streets around campus, but was now performing faultlessly. Meaning it was still running.

So at the next T intersection I decide to go right without even tossing a coin, then OVER a hill, and how fast does this go he asked himself twisting the throttle to stop point as it flew down a steep hill.

Peering down at the flickering speedo needle it was approaching 100 before I looked up and saw I was very quickly approaching a T intersection with a 4 lane highway with a concrete gutter and traffic island after the first 2 lanes and a 'Turn right' only sign. Time to brake then I suppose.
Wow, they were much better than my bicycle brakes and I was down to about 70 when I had a puckering sensation in the rear end and wished I had another wooden peg! So I stomped on the rear brake and the mighty drums all round bit and I slid over the 2 lanes crashing safely over the concrete gutter and stalled to rest on the traffic island.

Not one of the cars using this 4 lane highway hit me or tooted encouragement of any kind, so of course I nonchalantly kicked her over and continued on my way with a great respect for the power of my new machine and confident of many more adventures together ahead!
I was not wrong!;):roll::roll::roll:
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I was about 8 or 9 and my Grandmother told me I could take her 1970 Honda Trail 70 out on the road for a spin. She did not remember telling me I could. (because she never said it ) Probably why my Grandfather found it funnier than she or my parents did.
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Honda C50... 1991 I think. Sold my bicycle and purchased my first used motorcycle, first ride was right away to store it in my uncle garage till I had time to practice... it was a great motorcycle, never left me stranded when I was with a girl... but once I left them in their house, it was a different history... the tire will find a nail, the carburetor will clog, the piston ring will break, the nut holding the rear brake rod will get lost, I remember more time walking the motorcycle to my home, even once bringing it 4 floors up in pieces to repair...
Honda CX500, while driving home with it, car from oncoming traffic decided to overtake a backhoe loader leaving me with no space. Squeed the bike between the oncoming car and the trees on the side of the road. Stopped and after calming down decided that all other traffic should be regarded as potential killers, been riding with this mindset ever-since.