Do you remember your first ride?

For some strange reason I still remember the date. It was 16th July 1970 I was 7 years old the bike was a Honda 50 with the fold down handle bars and seat that you could put in the boot of a car. 3 speed gearbox with centrifical clutch like a posty bike only 50cc. My dad had it registered and rode it around town alot when we lived in Grafton. I had spent half my life sitting on it in the shed twisting the trottle and making motorbike noises. On this day I remember mum was out somewere with my 2 sisters so dad must have decided this was a good time to see if I could ride a motorbike. Bit like the time he decided to see if I could ride a poddy calf. So here we are 43 years later always had atleast 1 bike eversince.
Started on a Deltex Rockhopper minibike ... soon progressed onto a chrome tanked plunger framed BSA 350. Was 14 or 15 years old and life on the road had begun ... remember a copper caught me pushing the BSA up the road one evening .. asked if i'd been riding it , i lied and told him "no" The fool grabbed a big handful of headerpipe to check. The cheery red glow had only just left the headerpipe .. :D

God I love a happy ending ! :p
tiger cub

first bike was a 1953 cushman eagle with the suicide shifter on the tank,this little thing was fast but the small wheels made for a pain off road.then after couple of years went to a triumph tiger cub and never looked back...even in the 50s these little cubs would fly.mine was a 1958 t20 model.
back in the late 1960s neighbor bought his son a home made mini bike. stingray bike with a 3.5 hp BS engine mounted to it . burnt your leg everytime you rode it .no takeoff speed but it would scream when wound out.
my first legal bike was a Royal Enfield 750 Intercepter with a sidecar. Rode it on my 16th birthday with an L plate proudly stuck to the nose of the sidecar!!
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early 70s my dads good friend showed at house with harley gave all us kids a ride i remember him twisting throttle didnt go any faster just made alot of noise few years later bought my 72 bone been riding since always look forward to next ride and always remember the last one
1974 Honda qa 50
It was great
My brother had a z50
Our friends had a trail 70
It was a blast
That's why I bought a 75 st 90 two years ago
For the memories
1000 miles original and mint :)
first ride 12 years old
jumped on this motorized velosolex started to pedal and could not figure out why the darn thing would not fire up till some kid my age told me to push forward that level with the black knob beside the 29cc cylinder.. the galet pressed on the tire and i took off a smidgen faster than pedalling fuel capacity 2,2 liters you could ride all day with that much fuel