bruce aussie
For some strange reason I still remember the date. It was 16th July 1970 I was 7 years old the bike was a Honda 50 with the fold down handle bars and seat that you could put in the boot of a car. 3 speed gearbox with centrifical clutch like a posty bike only 50cc. My dad had it registered and rode it around town alot when we lived in Grafton. I had spent half my life sitting on it in the shed twisting the trottle and making motorbike noises. On this day I remember mum was out somewere with my 2 sisters so dad must have decided this was a good time to see if I could ride a motorbike. Bit like the time he decided to see if I could ride a poddy calf. So here we are 43 years later always had atleast 1 bike eversince.