You MUST use the Kill Switch to shut the system off - if you use the Kick-stand, it ONLY kills the motor, it does NOT shut the electrical system off
That would be no different than, with the std key system, setting the stand down then forgetting and leaving the key in the On position and left in the ignition - the headlights etc would still be on.
You can certainly still use the kick-stand to shut it off if you REALLY want to (although I personally do not think that is a good method, keyless or key) but you must set the Kill to Kill, just the same as you would turn off the key and remove it currently.
It is not ANOTHER (i.e. EXTRA) step - you would just be setting the Kill switch INSTEAD of turning off the Key and removing it.
One of our noted Captains with my kit was in the same habit - kicked the stand down, but did NOT shut off the Kill Switch and came back to a dead battery.