Dead roadster today

The ignition failed on my 05 Rocket, out of warranty. I bought the lock assembly, drilled off the shear bolts and swapped the rotary switch over to the original lock, secured it with screws. This left me with the original keys. If they have to get a locksmith to do the job then it's easier to just swap the electrical bit, as it has to come off anyway. 20 minute job at home, Also worth routing the wires so they aren't stressed when the steering turns. I don't now why Triumph can't just supply the rotary switch but they won't.
The ignition failed on my 05 Rocket, out of warranty. I bought the lock assembly, drilled off the shear bolts and swapped the rotary switch over to the original lock, secured it with screws. This left me with the original keys. If they have to get a locksmith to do the job then it's easier to just swap the electrical bit, as it has to come off anyway. 20 minute job at home, Also worth routing the wires so they aren't stressed when the steering turns. I don't now why Triumph can't just supply the rotary switch but they won't.

Yep, did the same to mine. One set of keys. I also moved the switch to the left side panel where the accessory port would fit.
I was one of the first to have the ignition switch fail, back in 2006 or early 2007. Triumph replaced it and the other two locks so that I could use one key. If you want to get spare keys made then a Volvo blank (V70 key, IIRC) will work, which means that any key maker can make you some spares for $2 or $3 each.

I installed a "keyless" ignition system on my bike a few years back and there should be a "how to" thread on it somewhere. I put another petrol cap on which sits flat and doesn't use a key. I got it off FleaBay, and I think that the Triumph Sprint ones are the same, if you are searching. I used a cable tie to hold the seat lock open and so use only the rear pull cord to lock the seat down. The bottom line is that I haven't used the key for years and don't miss it.

That, plus the EB kit, and no problems with any of it since.
Fitted the eastern beaver kit what a difference it makes the lights are bright as now makes you wonder why triumph waste their time doing it the other way lol
I bought the EB kit with relay as suggested a few months ago, now I just need the courage to tear into it.