Darkside mc

Art I hope you enjoy your Rocket post some pictures when you get the time.
Run what ever tire you like I'll run the tire I like. I've never had a wobble problem with mine but I did have issues with the Metzeler including rear wheel steer on the roads around here. Also I thought it locked up way too easy, but that was me. You only use 10% rear braking and don't ride in the rain so the MT should work fine for you. With the anti-lock brakes on the Roadster the MT might do ok.

BTW I never thought I was raving about the car tire, it just works for me.

FYI motorcycle superstore has Metzeler 240/50 on sale now for $233.99 and Avon cobra is on sale for $276.99 you might want to pick one up.

Good luck Art and ride it like you stole it.
That is an AWSOME price on the Cobra, I just paid $229 for a front and thought I was getting a deal.
Since you do ride on a car tire, I'm sure your'e used to the unprovoked attacks over it. The emotion some display is weird, almost violent opinions are volunteered loudly by total strangers. It's like you were trying to talk your girlfriend into an abortion while sitting in catholic church.
I met up with budman at Hooters here in Delaware Wednsday and he had a hardley buddy with him. Budman introduced us and the guy never really said anything else after that, seemed a real quiet kind of guy to me. We were talking about my new Avon and the damage the shop did to fender, when I mentioned that I'd never buy another Metzler, that the next tire was going to be a car tire. "You can't do that! it's stupid!" ---- his quiet friend certainly had something to say about car tires. I think the guy even suprised himself when he said it. And he stayed on it for just a little bit longer because he had such strong feelings about it.
I wonder if we can get the Mythbusters to do an episode on the topic?

I'm confused. I'm not sure what you mean by "run of the tread". I'm on my 3rd CT. They always wear out in the middle and have never sustained significant tread wear on the outside of any of the tires. I ride Rallies with twisties and drag the floor boards regularly. I'm getting about 8K per tire even though I try not to "dog it" in first. I'm obviously losing rubber because of being aggressive in second and third.

The Metz don't stop worth a crap. Too dangerous IMHO.

Now as far as my favorite advantage of the CT, is the ability to come off the line tons faster. Trying to launch with a Metz is
much like making a trip to the burnout pit. There is about three times as much rubber contacting the ground....no brainer.

If you were to ask my opinion of a CT on a motorcycle 3 years ago I would have thought it was stupid too.
In fact a 240 and up mm width tire doesn't have the best handling characteristics. So why run a wide rear tire? Factor in a heavy cruiser bike 1300lbs gross on 2 wheels and it starts to make sense.

As far as what other people think. I really don't care. I run a car tire. If I decide to switch back to a motorcycle tire it's my choice. I've only got another 15,000 miles left on my CT that's 3 years for me so I'll worry about it later.
ILL ride with PHIL tomorrow and we will switch bikes for a good comparison and im tryng to see what IM missing as you guys are raving about how wonderful these CTs are so I have to keep an open mind

ummmm. I can't deny the fact that there has definitely been some "raving" regarding the car tires, but I haven't seen any Darkside riders "raving" about how wonderful their tires are. They are simply saying that they fit their longevity needs and riding styles.

Great to see you're keeping an open mind IMFAST....Now I'll just duck off and check my dictionary as old age must have adversely affected my understanding of the meaning of that phrase

Have seen several bikes with CT and I am PRESENTLY GETING REAL TIRED of having to put on a new tire every 7500 to 10000 miles and I AM SWITCHING to THE CAR TIRE shortly,100 vs 300 and actually you could call that 900 since the car tire gets at least three times the wear, I do not ride mine LIKE A ****** ROCKET a lot of MY MILEAGE is INTERSTATE Lester532 I so agree it is what each one prefers not everyone else's decision
Thanks for the answers Tdrager. IF I ever get up to the north of VA I will give you a heads up.

We all down here in South side VA don't have a lot of interstate to ride on. All country roads
This has been an interesting thread so far.
Now IMFAST2 has a rocket.
Cool, about time.
His choice huh guys?
Me, I'll NEVER got back to a metz.
Can't wait to see pics and hear the report.