WELL PICKED up my new R3 today rode about 200 miles of course it has the stock METZ tires and it handles great no sliding no tire spin no wobbling gee how come ??? you guys must ride a lot harder than I and of course its doesnt do any of the rear wheel steering of a CT and I ran it over till the pegs dragged and it didnt run of the tread and on to the sidewall ???ILL ride with PHIL tomorrow and we will switch bikes for a good comparison and im tryng to see what IM missing as you guys are raving about how wonderful these CTs are so I have to keep an open mind
Art I hope you enjoy your Rocket post some pictures when you get the time.
Run what ever tire you like I'll run the tire I like. I've never had a wobble problem with mine but I did have issues with the Metzeler including rear wheel steer on the roads around here. Also I thought it locked up way too easy, but that was me. You only use 10% rear braking and don't ride in the rain so the MT should work fine for you. With the anti-lock brakes on the Roadster the MT might do ok.
BTW I never thought I was raving about the car tire, it just works for me.
FYI motorcycle superstore has Metzeler 240/50 on sale now for $233.99 and Avon cobra is on sale for $276.99 you might want to pick one up.
Good luck Art and ride it like you stole it.