Maybe yours is just "Super Stock".
For a "seasoned mechanic" I'd have thought you absorbed the limitations built into a stock R3. They don't spin the tire and they don't slip around corners under acceleration. They built 'em that way on purpose.
There are a few little things that need to be done before the greasy Metz shows it's weaknesses. After the "little mods" you won't be drag racing Harley's, HOT ROD or not ... you wouldn't bother. :rolleyes: Whats a tweeked Hog put out anyway? ... 125hp and 90 ft lbs? That's probably about what a stock R3 puts on the ground in 1st-3rd gears, maybe a little more.
We are talking about using the bigger contact patch on a car tire needing to stick upwards of 150hp and 158 ft lbs to the ground in FIRST GEAR! But thats after the 1st gear power reduction has been eliminated and the bikes overall power has been restored to it's full potential.
And I don't check the "bikers handbook" each time I use the brakes either, I grab what I need, when I need it, from wherever I feel it should come from. 90/10-70/30-50/50 never crosses my mind ... but when the 240 rear Metz can't handle any serious brake application without locking up and sliding at higher speed, then it's worthless to me as a brake. Many times I've used the same amount of force I applied earlier at slower speeds where it worked fine, only to have it start sliding for no reason. I don't like that feeling. It feels .... unreliable.
HEY ive been riding the modded rockets for over a year and they have double the power of the stock bikes and have been pushing them a lot harder than those stockers and havent experianced any of the slippery tire syndrome you talk about YOUR not going to ride your bike at the speeds ive had these bikes up to nor will your bike come close to accellerating as hard as these bikes and I dont have any traction problems in fact the bikes want to wheely and dont spin unless of course your just reving and dumping the clutch ??? we ran for an hour hard on the high speed twisties today and didnt have any tire slip at all and the tire didnt get GREASY and i saw the result of riding a CT the same way riding on the sidewall and wallowing again I guess I must have the SUPER METZ :confused::)
Art I hope you enjoy your Rocket post some pictures when you get the time.
Run what ever tire you like I'll run the tire I like. I've never had a wobble problem with mine but I did have issues with the Metzeler including rear wheel steer on the roads around here. Also I thought it locked up way too easy, but that was me. You only use 10% rear braking and don't ride in the rain so the MT should work fine for you. With the anti-lock brakes on the Roadster the MT might do ok.

BTW I never thought I was raving about the car tire, it just works for me.

FYI motorcycle superstore has Metzeler 240/50 on sale now for $233.99 and Avon cobra is on sale for $276.99 you might want to pick one up.:)

Good luck Art and ride it like you stole it.:D:D:D
THANKS LES yes id better order half a dozen if they wear out as fast as you guys say :D no way would i ride in the rain and your not going to stop any motorcyle from high speed using the rear brake as all the weight transfers to the front wheel under hard braking so the last thing you want to do is stomp on the rear brake pedal and lock the wheel and cause a slide YOULL notice the ROADRACERS will have the rear wheel leave the ground under maximum breaking :eek: the same applies for road bikes
Well I broke a fog lamp bracket today **** things are not rated for constant thrashing above 120. Or the **** thing took to much of a jolt during the landing after I got a wee bit to much air. I wonder if Triumph would just sell the bracket:D
The beastie was running well I need a few more minor A/F tweaks mostly 3000 to 4000 rpm's as it is a little bit fat. but she will set you back against the drivers back rest when you twist the throttle at 130 mph. Love them **** Classic's:cool:
HEY SCOTT how come your not sliding all over the road with all your HP locking your wheels everytime you ride on those greasy slippery MTS :confused: I know i road the hell out of the ROCKET today and not once did the tire slip or slide or spin ;)
Double the power. ok, sounds great. Two R3's, wonderful. I've never been as fast as you or accelerated as hard, fantastic. It all goes well with you not ever doing anything dangerous, not advocating stunts, never riding in the rain or on poor roads, just sticking with your "high speed twisties" and passionate soap-box ministry preaching against the evils of using car tires on bikes. Almost left out your expert use of brakes.
Keep up the good work Art, and I'm sure you'll continue to make an excellent role model.
I don't know what else to say .... I'm in awe.
YES RACING HARLEYS is a joke even with the big SS engines but it is entertaining that they think they can beat even a stock rocket but I admit i did load another tune into the CLASSIC to pep it up and get the top speed up ;) oh and it wheelies in first if you come out to hard or crack the throttle from a roll and it didnt spin at all I do like the floor boards also but ill have to get some sort of wind screen for those high speed runs :)
Hey Lester I don't know if you frequent the .com site but there is a captain on there from the UK that went to some kind of MC training course I have been reading his post and of couse asking a few question of other riders that seem to be able to use the complete arc of the MC tire. Anyway I have been trying some of the suggestions made by these captains and cannot believe how different the bike rides. I have never bragged about my abilities in the curves as I have never really thought of myself as being anything but medeoker at best in the curves inwhich as I came out I would just roll boost and let the blower make up for the time lost in the curves.Anyway I have been trying some of these methods and must admit they make the tires feel totally diferent in the curves it is amazing how pointing your face to the mirror and throwing the knee towards the ground makes. I even feel the difference when I shift my feet towards the back of the floor boards. Art told me it was basically transfereing weight to the front making it bite the pavement harder, That coupled by the 1.25 longer shocks has change the feeling of how the bike acts in the curves. I think before I was sitting back in criuse mode which put more weight on the rear then front. I can't help but wonder about the standar foot pegs being even further forward. It would seem to me it would make it harder to shift the weight toward the front with your feet out further. I think this might be why the change in the Roadster's foot peggs was made. Anyway I figure a guy with the foot pegs could bolt a couple highway pegs behind the standard pegs to move the legs back under the pilot. To drive into the curves better know matter what tire one has. Of course I do not have the room because of the floor boards but I thought I would through it out there in case a couple guys with front pegs wanted to try it and see if there is a difference. I know once I started doing it on my Classic the difference was like night and day. it would also give an alternate riding position for long criuses which is one of the things I like about the floor boards . When I start to get stiff in the legs I just slide my feet towards the back of the boards and I am good for another 50 to 75 miles just from having some movement. I also remember some captians say that at higher speeds there feet tend to lift off the pegs.
Anyway just thought I throw that out there for some thought. Of course when it comes to taller shocks I heard that if the there is a crossover pipe under the bike like the triple pipes that comes on the bike 1 inch might rubb the swing frame I have a 3-2 predator so there is nothing in the way underneath. Which I am lucky as I only ordered 1 inch over but the screwed up making them in the UK. I will definetley have to make same aware of this when he makes my one off triple Predator pipe.
Double the power. ok, sounds great. Two R3's, wonderful. I've never been as fast as you or accelerated as hard, fantastic. It all goes well with you not ever doing anything dangerous, not advocating stunts, never riding in the rain or on poor roads, just sticking with your "high speed twisties" and passionate soap-box ministry preaching against the evils of using car tires on bikes. Almost left out your expert use of brakes.
Keep up the good work Art, and I'm sure you'll continue to make an excellent role model.
I don't know what else to say .... I'm in awe.
BOY want some cheese with that whine :) seems like your doing all the dangerous stunts with all those slides stomping the rear brakes and overheating the MT tires and doing hole shots with your big fat flat CAR TIRE yes seems like you need some lessons on riding and breaking MR HOLE SHOT :p
Don't forget about the LIGHT TO LIGHT drag race program. They teach that in drivers Ed these days.
YES I KNOW you CT guys dont do that nasty stuff but if you change your mind RICKY GADSON has a drag racinng school it might help you with all those smokey burnouts you guys are always doing :D
BOY want some cheese with that whine :) seems like your doing all the dangerous stunts with all those slides stomping the rear brakes and overheating the MT tires and doing hole shots with your big fat flat CAR TIRE yes seems like you need some lessons on riding and breaking MR HOLE SHOT :p
Why are you being so nasty now? I've given you your props, your the man. I'm envious and want to be just like you. You do everything better and I only want to bask in your greatness.