The cush drive rubbers can be "shimmed" to have less slop, they're not a low mileage wear item. You can use an inner tube cut to size slipped over them to make them incrementally larger and take up any extra space involved.

The 2005 vs 2013, yes there'll be less slop, particularly, in 2nd gear as it'll have the non-revised 2nd gear with more dogs.
Strange subject. Just to add: I also have 2, 2005 models, and they both have LESS slop than my 2013 !!!??? The cush drive rubbers just slip in and out, after you remove the big snap ring, that holds the drive spline in the wheel. I've had them out of all my 3 Rockets, when changing tires/wheels, and have not noticed any wear, either time. I know on some bikes, people sometimes swap the rubber for delrin, or poly, but with the triangle shape of the Rocket cush rubbers, it'd be difficult. I don't think we'd ever get rid of all the slop, but less would be very nice!:)
that pic bring back memories !! when I had to remove the output shaft combo on my 2006 R3 PITA it was.
that pic bring back memories !! when I had to remove the output shaft combo on my 2006 R3 PITA it was.

That pic was the one I got from Scott @warp9.9. It was getting ready to go into my bike after mine shat it's bearings. PITA is right !
The cush drive rubbers can be "shimmed" to have less slop, they're not a low mileage wear item. You can use an inner tube cut to size slipped over them to make them incrementally larger and take up any extra space involved.
We could always approach PolyBush and ask about an upgrade kit.