All balls problems usually arise from botched install, as all bearing problems usually are. They sell a metric ****TON of bearing kits and they are very widely accepted with positive results.
Yes, you don't know who your bearing comes from, but then, do you know who the stock parts are made by (hint, its not triumph)?
Alternatively, you can buy a set of known high quality japan made bearings for 1/2 the Triumph price of a set. Either way, I don't suggest anyone give mama Triumph the retarded amount they ask for.
Here the Timken catalog, known quantity, very high quality bearings (possibly the supplier for Allballs):
6204-2RS or 2RZ
6204 2RSJ EM Quality 20x47x14 Sealed C3 Japan Made Bearing
5204-2RS or 2RZ
5204-2RS Angular Contact Sealed 20mm Bore Bearing
Can't find the size of the third rear bearing but they can all be ordered here from very high quality manufacturers:
5204-2RS bearing KOYO Japan -5204-2RS
I've also put in an inquiry for hybrid ceramics with one of the best bearing manufacturers in the world for front and rear bearings. Dyno proven horse power gains, on a GSXR 750 back to back testing showed 5whp peak and 6lb-ft across the whole power band...